Daily IN-spiration * * * June 30th


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries



June 30th


This has been a fabulous month. JOY has been our motivation and our focus. JOY has spread out from you to the entire world. I can see and feel your Light shining and lighting the path for yourself and others.


JOY is a small word with tremendous power. JOY is the perfect antidote for all ills suffered by humanity. When we stay centered in JOY we place a barrier around us; a shield of protection from negativity and all of its kin folks.


JOY, what a terrific feeling to experience. Knowing it is available to me at my beck and call is amazing. No one else has to be around for me to feel JOY. I do not need to call someone to bring it to me. I already have it and that is wonderful. It is mine and I treasure its gift to me.


JOY is the morning dew that falls gently upon the lawn. JOY is the birds singing at dawn telling me it is yet another bright beautiful day to live and be alive. JOY is whatever you desire for it to be that brings you pure bliss and unconditional love. JOY is hope for a better environment. JOY is World Peace. JOY is total forgiveness and acceptance.




JOY is the cornerstone of the foundation of my life.

Daily IN-spiration * * * June 29th


©Sandy Rodgers Ministries



June 29th


JOY will increase and add to all areas of your life.


JOY will increase your Faith in God. God is JOY and when you make it a habit you are continually connecting with the Source of all life. JOY is a magnet for attracting its likeness. You reap the benefits of bringing into your awareness more happiness and acceptance when motivated by JOY.


JOY increases your health. Your blood pressure is lowered and your vital signs all improve. The appearance of any illness stays away from a JOY attitude. Your health is improved because you are sending love to all the cells and atoms; to your blood and breath; to all the other organs you are sending well being.


JOY increases your positive outlook on life and your bountiful expectations. When you move and have your being in JOY everything looks better. You have a calmer disposition and you radiate a welcome to the good things that life has to offer. You are a welcome mat for all good to knock on your door.


JOY increases your relationships. You enjoy more loving relationships with yourself and others. You are so happy and radiant. People want to learn from you what makes you a shining light. Just tell them it is called JOY!


Fully embrace the attitude of JOY from this moment forward in your life. Watch the miracles unfold. The miracle of increase in every area of your life, the abundance of perfect health, the wonderful relationships you share with others and other miracles now have room to manifest for you.


Count it all JOY!!! Thanks God.

Daily IN-spiration * * * June 28th


©Sandy Rodgers Ministries



June 28th


What are you depositing into the bank of your soul’s memory?


Are you ensuring happiness is there? If not, bring more pleasure into your existence. Create happy moments with friends and family. Create opportunities that allow you to smile when you look back over your life. Today is the perfect time to begin manifesting those happy moments. Do something today that you will remember with fondness.


Is fulfillment an ingredient in your memory? Are you truly living the life you desire? Doing what you like is necessary to your soul being filled full. Is there a new skill you would like to learn and you have put it off? Do it now.


Memories of satisfaction can create such warmth when you are going through a low period in life. You can summon up those memories and feel the same satisfaction as when the event first occurred.


Does your memory bank account contain adequate amounts of contentment? Have you given all that you would like to the improvement and betterment of society? Can you perhaps look for ways to become more active in your community? Service to others is always a sure way to feel the emotion of contentment.


Today I carefully choose activities that will add value to my memory bank. I create for myself a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. I store in my memory bank thoughts of happiness and contentment.


I will look back on my life and smile, knowing that I gave as much to the Universe as it gave to me.

Daily IN-spiration * * * May 27th


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries


May 27th


The small stuff is the situations that appear in your life as opportunities for you to grow and expand. Small stuff can be challenges often seen as difficulties. Small stuff is everything that cannot and will not add value to your life. The small stuff is anything that you cannot control. The small stuff is just that, small stuff. The small stuff can be irritating and bothersome. The small stuff is annoying and unimportant.


I choose to use my energy and time wisely by focusing on the things that really matter to me. My life is important to me. What I do with my life is important to me. How I can serve others is important. What I say and do is important. How I treat others is important. I choose to invest my time and energy in those things I have decided are important to me.


The BIG stuff is Life! The BIG stuff is family and friends. The BIG stuff is Joy and Peace. The BIG stuff is serving others. The BIG stuff is Absolute, Unconditional Love, pure and simple.


I live my life understanding that my actions may affect others. My actions can help or hinder, assist or detract, add or subtract. I choose for my actions to reflect the BIG stuff of life and not the small. I choose to add to all situations with positive words and deeds.


God is my BIG stuff! BIG enough to handle all situations in any kind of condition. Huge, Humongous that’s my GOD. With God there is no need to concern myself with the small stuff. What relief to know I can and do call on The Most High to handle my small stuff. I concentrate on the BIG stuff!

Daily IN-spiration * * * June 27th


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries



June 27th


I am open and obedient to God’s Kingdom that abides within me. I joyously meditate as I listen to God’s instructions for me. I am the dwelling place of God’s Kingdom; all that is good and very good abides in me. I acknowledge and celebrate the kingdom of God that is within me.


Thanks God for creating me just the way I am at this exact moment. Thanks God for establishing Your kingdom in me. Thanks God for I am still growing. All I desire to do is give thanks. I am thankful for my free gift of life and breath. I am appreciative that I do not have to earn the blood that flows through my veins. I am grateful for the creation of everything that exists so that my life is made comfortable and peaceful.


I release the need to take care of others and focus on my own spiritual growth and understanding. My insistence on helping others may cause harm and injury to them. Each person is responsible for their own spiritual growth. When I get in the way of a person’s lesson, I am not helping. I no longer feel a need to take care of another person’s problem. I can and do provide assistance when requested; otherwise I honor the person with respect by allowing them freedom to receive their valuable lesson. I know they are ultimately the bearer of the blessing received in their life lesson.


Oh God I AM Thankful. Thanks God. I receive Your Kingdom with Gratitude.

Daily IN-spiration * * * June 26th


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries



June 26th


How often do you ask the question, Why? As small children we are always asking why. We want to learn the reason behind the information. We yearn to know.


As adults we may forget to ask why. We have become fearful of not knowing yet asking why will somehow let others know we do not know the answer. So what if you do not know. As an adult you would sternly tell a child that it is better to ask than risk getting hurt. That applies to all people.


Challenge the small talk that you have with yourself that keeps you in bondage to fear. Each person has the right to ask why. When you have the answer it becomes your responsibility to impart the wisdom.


Do you have intelligent conversations with yourself? Do you question your actions, asking the infamous – why? We can become so robotic, doing things so automatically that we often do not know the why. Perhaps your answer is because I have always done it this way. But WHY?


I have become a self observer and it is very interesting. Things I do so routinely, I am asking myself – why? Do my actions reflect who I am? Am I stuck in a past condition of reacting? Can I change willingly? Or will I offer resistance to myself?


I have learned to laugh at and with myself, especially when my actions are not representative of who I am today. At times I have accepted what others have told me to be the truth, unconsciously of course. (smile). Or I go along on automatic because I am not required to think about what I am doing.


Practice being an observer of you today. Ask yourself why whenever you catch yourself doing anything that does not reflect who you say you are. This is a fascinating exercise and I know you will find value in doing it.


Why? Please record your responses. Peace be unto you.

Daily IN-spiration * * * June 25th


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries



June 25th


Dreams will carry you through the nightmares of the day. Dreams reveal your inner most Faith in God. Dreams know no boundaries. Dreams carry you to places of Serenity and Peace. Dreams occur during the night while you are asleep and during the day while you are wide awake.


What are your dreams revealing to you? Do you travel to foreign lands, uncovering amazing people and cultures? In your dreams is there acceptance and honor; everyone cooperating with one another? Is there absence of hate, greed and fear? Is the new land wonderful and friendly?


Do you dream of loved ones that have made their way to the other side? It is fantastic to communicate with them again. To say things you may have forgotten to tell them while they were still here in physical form. To hold them close to your heart and feel their warmth is a blessing. To know that you can still have access to them brings you such JOY!


What are your dreams saying to you? Where are you in this huge planetary space? Do you feel a connection to all there is? Do you dream in color, seeing the magnificence and beauty in vivid detail?


Do you honor your dreams?


Dreams are the gateway to the Spirit. Dreaming allows you detachment from your physical self. You arrive at Higher Consciousness of Connection to Source. Drift into the wonder of Dreaming, feel yourself alive in this state of being.


Enjoy the art of Dreaming. Go wherever you choose to go. Be whatever you desire.

Daily IN-spiration * * * June 24th


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries



June 24th


I surrender my will and my way to Holy Spirit, To God and to the Universe. I surrender to JOY!


I surrender to receive my abundance. I surrender so that I may release my limited prosperity that I would describe. I surrender to the All-Knowing Creative Intelligence that is Creator of all things.


In my surrendering I Am Thankful for my life. I Am filled with Love and Compassion; Wisdom and Understanding; Purpose and Power! I am filled because I choose to be open and receptive. To whom much is given, much is required. I share from my storehouse of goodness and kindness. I bless others with my smile and openness.


I Am Thankful for my life! Thankful that I have willingly allowed God to express through me to touch others. I touch with Unconditional Love and Unlimited Acceptance, knowing that each person is doing the best they know how at that moment. I give what I would like to receive. I give because that is all I know to do, and it feels so good!


I Surrender totally and completely. I am not attached to the outcome. The outcome will Bless me and others. My Faith lifts me higher than my projections of possibilities.


I Surrender to God!

I Surrender to Holy Spirit!

I Surrender to JOY!

Daily IN-spiration * * * June 23rd


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries



June 23rd


Within YOU is the Greatest Person ever known. Permission is hereby granted to you to accept this fact and live it in Absolute confidence.


You are great! You are wise! You are more than what you see in a mirror. You are infinite Spirit and inexhaustible Power. You posses Greatness.  You are Royalty. You are Magnificent. You are a shining Light.


YES I am talking about YOU!


You have the All-Knowing Source as part of your DNA. In your bloodline is the Powerful Omniscient Creator. Your heart is pumping with Allah Presence and Protection. Buddha is in your cells. Jehovah radiates in your being. Jesus is alive in you. All the Ascended Masters are breathing air into your lungs. The Ancestors strength and perseverance is your bone marrow. You are fully equipped with absolutely everything you require to accomplish whatever it is you desire to accomplish.


Recognize Who you are; An Incredibly Remarkable Unrepeatable Miracle.


There is Greatness inside of you. Have you recognized it? Do you honor it? Must it be repeated? Okay…. YOU ARE GREAT!


Accept and commit to your Greatness today. Live your life in Absolute Faith. Know that you are truly gifted with each and every little thing you require to manifest exactly what you choose.



Daily IN-spiration * * * June 22nd


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries



June 22nd


What are you catching with your fishing pole (consciousness)? What bait (thoughts) are you using? What size is your fishing pond (Faith)?


You can pull/catch the future and bring it into the present. Or you can continue catching the past by not releasing the old worn out tape. It is your choice. When you desire newness, you will gladly relinquish attachment to the past.  I can stop the tape of the past and discord it. As long as I find comfort in the familiar, even when it may cause me pain, and stay there, that is my choice.


Today I choose to fish from the pond of unlimited possibilities. I open myself up to visualizing in grand style. I use my gift of imagination and expand it by increasing my vision. I continue with this process of expanding and increasing until it is complete. Then I start over because I know God is in control, which is my Faith. My vision is impaired by my physical knowledge. However, I accept God has more in store for me than I could ever imagine. I do my part by beginning the process and then allowing the Infinite Intelligence to guide and direct me to what and where I am to go. I am ever Thankful for being led by The Most High to my higher state of being and consciousness.


I require a large vessel to hold the fish I catch today. No longer is a small ship large enough to hold my catch. I willingly expand to receive my expected and unexpected good! It is right in front of me, some I see while others are just below the surface waiting for my bait to snag them.


Praises, Praises, Praises. As Praises go Up, Blessings Come Down! I graciously accept them ALL! Thanks God. So Be It!!!