Power, Potential and Possibility!

You are created in the image and likeness of God. You have within YOU everything that you require to live an abundant life.

You have the Power of The Creator at your disposal. You can use this Power anyway you choose. You are victorious in this game of life. Use your Power with Integrity and Wisdom. Bless and serve others.

You have Potential. The Most High has gifted you with this incredible faculty and you now get to display it fully. You have the Potential to be exactly who you say you are. You have the Potential of Greatness, it is deep in your genetic genes.

Whatever you declare to be Possible, it is so. Think the thoughts of Possibility. Stretch beyond your comfort zone into the realm of greater and greater Possibility. God is there waiting for you to realize this awesome gift. Dare to dream. Dare to create. Dare to be Your Best!

You can have that which you desire:

Desire Peace for Humanity;

Desire Acceptance Globally;

Desire Unconditional Love for the infirmed;

Desire complete Forgiveness of all hurt and harm done.

Use your Power to make a positive difference where you are.

Utilize your Potential to the grand scheme of abundant living.

Create Possibility in your world.


Do you feel it? It’s when you are still in thought and action that it appears in the core of your being. This is when the True Essence of The Creator can penetrate your entire being.

Feel it deep within you. It is Awesome. The Awesome Presence and Power of The Most High giving and sustaining you with the Life Force Energy!

Can you feel it now? It is literally pulsating through every cell and nerve in your body. It is in the oxygen you are inhaling, allowing that breath to flow freely in and out of you.

How about now? It is in the wonder of life itself. For how can a human being come into existence from the microscopic elements that first produced it? From the trillions of possibilities, YOU were born into existence! Your life is a miracle. It is no accident or freak of nature. Yes YOU are deserving and worthy of this life. God granted you with this precious gift: Life.

Do you feel it yet? I feel it!  It is Incredibly delicious. To know that I was carefully chosen and granted the opportunity to fully experience this thing called LIFE! WOW. THANKS.

I am pulsating with the Power of the Omniscient Glow of Life!

I radiate Joy, Peace, Happiness, Compassion, Passion, Forgiveness, Hope, Enthusiasm, Excitement, Justice, and Harmony!!!

I am pulsating with the power of God! I am victorious! I am a conqueror! I am Abundantly Blessed! I am anointed with Grace and Mercy!



May 20th


This life of mine is Priceless! I am excited about this new day. There is a miracle waiting for me to discover today. I am eager of its arrival. I guard the treasure of this new, never before experienced DAY! IT IS PRICELESS!


Thanks God for granting me another day to fully participate and engage in. I will surely use this day to the fullest. I will express Joy and Peace to myself. I Am pleased and proud of the person I have become. I welcome each lesson learned along the way for they have added to me becoming the wonderful person I am today.


My life is Priceless, a unique blend of blessings, lessons, experiences and situations. Many conditions have appeared along my path and I am grateful for each one. I have been stretched to become a better and bigger person. I am thankful for the multitude of individuals who have agreed to serve as either a teacher or a student in my life.


My Priceless existence is all made possible by The All-Knowing Infinite Intelligence. I give my sincere Gratitude to The Source. For I know that I do not control my life, my life is sustained by The Most High. My appreciation is demonstrated by loving myself more and more each day. I honor who I am. I treasure my life, it is a gift!


Being born into my family of origin; Being loved by many; Learning life lessons each priceless and come completely clothed in Grace and Mercy. Oh Thanks God for the many displays of YOUR LOVE! These experiences have come to bless me. I thank You for each as they have unfolded.


Yes I know my life is Priceless!!! I Am a unique, unrepeatable expression of God. I Am Priceless! I accept and declare all is good and very good.


Yes absolutely PRICELESS!!!



Power, Potential and Possibility!

You are created in the image and likeness of God. You have within YOU everything that you require to live an abundant life.

You have the Power of The Creator at your disposal. You can use this Power anyway you choose. You are victorious in this game of life. Use your Power with Integrity and Wisdom. Bless and serve others.

You have Potential. The Most High has gifted you with this incredible faculty and you now get to display it fully. You have the Potential to be exactly who you say you are. You have the Potential of Greatness, it is deep in your genetic genes.

Whatever you declare to be Possible, it is so. Think the thoughts of Possibility. Stretch beyond your comfort zone into the realm of greater and greater Possibility. God is there waiting for you to realize this awesome gift. Dare to dream. Dare to create. Dare to be Your Best!

You can have that which you desire:

Desire Peace for Humanity;

Desire Acceptance Globally;

Desire Unconditional Love for the infirmed;

Desire complete Forgiveness of all hurt and harm done.

Use your Power to make a positive difference where you are.

Utilize your Potential to the grand scheme of abundant living.

Create Possibility in your world.



My affirmation for today is: I AM PLANTED IN FERTILE SOIL.

I plant my seeds, my thoughts, my words and my deeds, in my heart. God resides in my heart. My heart is the Lord’s resting place. My heart is wide open to receive All Good. God is All that I need and require.

The soil has been tilled with life experiences. Experiences that have brought me to this space in time. Experiences that have stretched me beyond my comfort zone. Experiences that were not so easy to understand. Experiences that kept me going. This thing called life is wonderful and beautiful.

I Am firmly planted in Mother Earth, a rich and vibrant soil. I Am Unlimited. I Am that I Am. I plant seeds of truth deep in the soil of my heart. I cultivate the soil of my soul and keep the weeds out. I water the soil with thoughts of abundance and prosperity. I prune away all negativity. I lovingly embrace the process of growth. I am reminded some things I must let go. I must release all that do not belong in this rich soil. Only true Love can reside here.

I reap a bountiful harvest. Father time directs the order, perfect and divine. Sister Sunshine spreads her magnificent light on my desires. Brother Rain nurtures my soul.

I thank God for the seeds. I allow God’s goodness to flood my every care. Mercy and Grace leads me this day. I receive a brand new start.



I choose Peace! I choose to be a Peace Maker and a Peace Keeper.

I choose Peace as my way of life. I give Peace and I receive Peace. I radiate Peace out into the Universe and it returns to me pressed down, shaken together and overflowing.

I do not allow anyone or anything to disturb my Peace. If a person or situation is not in alignment with Peace, I kindly ask them to leave. It is not rude or disrespectful. Rather it is an act of insisting that confusion be kept away from you.

I walk into rooms filled with crowds of people and the energy shifts immediately because of my presence. I bring Peace and Joy. We can each do that if we choose to do it. It’s like the sunshine that warms you. Peace restores and replenishes.

My home is filled with Peace. Peace fills every nook and cranny, every corner of my home is deposited with Peace. When people visit they do not want to leave. Peace is always a welcoming agent to others. Peace soothes the soul. Then there maybe others who want to rob my dwelling of this serenity. I do not allow that to happen. It has taken time and effort to anchor my home in Peace and no one is privileged to undo it. I protect my Peace-filled dwelling like a proud parent.

Be a Peace Maker. Be a Peace Keeper. Let that thought rule your actions this day. Peace Be Still!

Sending you bountiful blessings of ABUNDANT PEACE!


July 2012 travels 173

What have you been blessed with? Do you share your gifts freely with the Universe? Have you taken the time to learn all your gifts, to discover new talents?
I am blessed to write in a plain and simple language that all can understand. I allow God to express through me in my writing. I know this is God’s work. It’s effortlessly done through me. In doing this Cyber-Ministry I write, actually I sit at the computer and simply touch the keys and the thoughts just flow! I do not strain, I simply allow it to happen through me. As an author I pickup pen and paper and am always amazed at the results.
Are you blessed to bring Peace into a situation? Do you walk into a room and Peace and unity is restored? Do people seek you out when they have a troubling situation they are dealing with? Does the room hush when you enter? Do you radiate Peace?
Are you a Compassionate individual? Is your gift in listening without judgment? Do you demonstrate compassion without effort? Do you just do it?
Is working with the youth your gift? Do you have such an incredible gift to love children that all you do focuses on the welfare of our children? Are all your thoughts on making this a better environment for the children?
Can you design clothing? Are your artistic talents so keen that folks seek you out? Do you sit and the ideas seem to flow through you? Is creative expression your cornerstone?
Is visualization your gift? Do you see what others cannot? Can you envision with clarity exactly what something will look like?
Are you a gifted speaker? Can you be called upon at a moments notice to deliver a talk and do it without fear or effort? Do you enjoy your gift to speak with others? Is your delivery made with clarity?
Are you an organizer? Can you take an idea and put it all together for successful completion? Do you do this without much stress or thought?
Are you a gifted Spiritualist? Do you see the Super Natural? Do the Ancestors and Spirits speak through you?
Do you enjoy making money? Do you joyously look for ways to do that? Is generating solid money substance flowing freely a worthy goal for you? Do you get excited about making money?
Are you a thinker? Is sitting until you see the whole picture your gift? Do you analyze the situation with ease?
Are you a healer? Does your touch just seem to heal others? Can you radiate healing through various mediums?
Are you a transformation specialist? Desiring more for others than what they can see for themselves?
Are you a song writer, a composer, a producer? Is Music your bestowed gift? Do you love to create heaven, audibly? Do beautiful melodies just flow through you? Can you hear the soothing beats and bring life to them?
Your gifts are to be shared with humanity. God has Blessed you. Do not hide your talents. Share your talents, knowing that you are Blessing others.
What are your gifts?


November 9th

Today you have permission to boast that you are worth it! You are worth a grand life, living in abundance and prosperity in all areas. You are worth accomplishing that dream. You are worth the unconditional love of others. You are worth peace and harmony. You are worth the time and effort. You are worth life and breath. You are worthy!

Stand up straight! Shoulders back with head held very high! Strut with the air of confidence that acknowledges your acceptance that you are worth it! You are worth every good thing.

You have been created like none other. Your life is a miracle and you are an unrepeatable expression of The Most High. You are worth this gift of life. You are worth living. Your life has meaning and purpose. Your life has value. Yes You are worth it!

I keep repeating to myself today that I Am Worthy. I deserve to live a full and happy life. I Am heir to this earthly Kingdom. I Am deserving of the best life has to offer. I Am Worthy! I Am Worth It!

Yes God, I accept my value. I give Thanks for my placement in Your Kingdom. Yes God, I have been appointed by You to be an example of Unconditional Love and Acceptance. Yes God, I Am Worthy of full expression of my divinity and connection to The Source. Yes God, I am ready to shout and proclaim – I Am Worth It!!!

I say this today as my prayer out into the Universe.

I say this today as my Affirmation and Confirmation.

My thoughts, words and actions today reflect my confidence in knowing I Am Worth It!

I Am Living proof of the Goodness of The Creator! I AM WORTH IT!



November 7th

Power, Potential and Possibility!

You are created in the image and likeness of God. You have within YOU everything that you require to live an abundant life.

You have the Power of The Creator at your disposable. You can use this Power anyway you choose. You are victorious in this game of life. Use your Power with Integrity and Wisdom. Bless and serve others.

You have Potential. The Most High has gifted you with this incredible faculty and you now get to display it fully. You have the Potential to be exactly who you say you are. You have the Potential of Greatness, it is deep in your genetic genes.

Whatever you declare to be Possible, it is so. Think the thoughts of Possibility. Stretch beyond your comfort zone into the realm of greater and greater Possibility. God is there waiting for you to realize this awesome gift. Dare to dream. Dare to create. Dare to be Your Best!

You can have that which you desire:
Desire Peace for Humanity;
Desire Acceptance Globally;
Desire Unconditional Love for the infirmed;
Desire complete Forgiveness of all hurt and harm done.

Use your Power to make a positive difference where you are.

Utilize your Potential to the grand scheme of abundant living.

Create Possibility in your world.



October 12th

There is no mistake in the creation of humankind. We are created from the same Spirit, the same Life Force. Spirit never dies. It is “IN” every living thing.

We are ultimately; joined together by this Life Force that maintains life in all living creatures. Unity is our natural state of existence. We are each breathing the same breathe of life. We are each supplied with sufficient blood to operate our body temples efficiently. We are each endowed with bodies that are designed to heal themselves and create new cells throughout our life spans.

It is marvelous to remember our humblest beginning, in God’s Heart first. As God did with the creation of the Universe, our being is a blessing and testimony to the Greatness of The Creator. Our lives are special. Our existence is of God’s design and destiny. Our life remains a gift from The Infinite Source.

As we celebrate this month of Unity and Oneness, be consistently Thankful and Grateful for the life God has gifted you with. Treat your life with gentle loving care. Be affectionate and kind to you. Encourage and uplift you. Love you.

And as we learn to truly honor and respect the life God has given to us, we can more fully embrace and include all others in the fold. It always, always begins with you first. You cannot give to others what you do not have for yourself. No one can give that to you which you do not have for yourself.

So first LOVE YOU. As you appreciate the wonder that is you, you will value and appreciate the wonder that is in all others.

Let us honor, respect, cherish, love, appreciate all of humanity.

Thanks God for clarity, focus, Unity, Peace and Harmony.