
The words of this song keep ringing in my mind; One World, One People, One Love!

What if we could truly achieve this awesome vision? There would be no wars, no fighting, no famine, no struggles, no homelessness and no one left out or behind.

There would be Peace, caring, sharing, compassion, hope, and Love. We would embrace each other in brotherhood and fellowship. We would embrace each other in true kinship and family. We would encourage and strengthen one another. We would honor and respect all humanity.

I will do my part in creating this Unity. I will begin with my family. I will demonstrate unconditional Love to each, even or especially when I think their actions are anything other than love. I will show respect by accepting them for who they are, right where they are. I will not judge or condemn.

I will honor my extended family and loved ones with complete Faith in their ability to grow into the person they desire to be. I support their efforts with positive words of encouragement. I share my best with each. We have chosen each other as extensions of who we are.

I contribute time and energy in building a better society within my community. I begin in my neighborhood and expand out into my city and state. I do what I can to make a positive difference. I volunteer, I mentor, I begin a program to improve the environment.

I am mindful of being an active participant in establishing:

One World, One People, One Love!

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