© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 22nd

I give thanks today for new beginnings. There is a miracle inside of each beginning. There is also a gift in newness.

In my expectation of a new beginning, I acknowledge I am required to accept endings. I must make room for the newness to enter my reality. I cannot hold two thoughts for the same thing. When my true desire is for newness to be manifested, there will be something that I am required to release. I do so graciously with love.

Are my thoughts in total alignment with my expectations? Perhaps it is time for me to release some old worn out beliefs about what I am entitled to receive in this life. Do I have a habit that prevents me from living the life I desire? I know I am to release it to allow the new beginning to take form and manifest. I gladly release without any attachments. There are no thoughts of lack and scarcity in my newness.  I am fully open to receiving all that my heart desires.

I allow goodness to flow into my life and affairs. I remove all blockages in my thoughts and words. I push towards the prize. I accept the gift of newness. A fresh beginning is mine.

I may mourn the leaving of something yet I trust I can and will survive. I choose to live totally in faith and trust the process of renewal. I willingly make room for new beginnings.

I accept new beginnings and I know that all things change. I can choose to accept that new beginnings are a natural occurrence. That each moment represents a new beginning and the moment that has just ended is gone forever. I can never again relive that same moment in time. I am grateful for my wisdom of discernment.

I am excited to accept New Beginnings.

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