©Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 23rd

By definition, the heart is the central, vital or main part; core; the center.

Consider this definition: at heart – in one’s innermost nature, or heartfelt – sincere, genuine.

What are you allowing to reside in your core? What emotions are controlling your vital part? What state is your innermost nature in?

Today I consciously choose to flex the muscles of my Heart with acceptance and unconditional love. I exercise with God/Goddess and follow the routine of displaying harmony and justice to all. I know that the more I use and exercise this heart muscle the greater and stronger it becomes. I am building this muscle into the awesome power it is. As I loosen the tightness of negative emotions and unforgiveness my heart is freed and feels joyous. The muscle relaxes and operates in sheer bliss, knowing it has absolutely nothing to fear. Love conquers all and fills every space of my heart.

I offer heartfelt appreciation for all that has been given to me through God/Goddess. I sing praises to The Most High. The Creator is my Source. My heart sings songs of gratitude and thanksgiving.

God/Goddess is my center and in my heart at all times. I choose to demonstrate love in all interactions. Love is my only choice when I consider God/Goddess is IN my heart expressing through me at all times.

My heart is filled to overflowing with God/Goddess’ Grace and Mercy. I satisfy myself first. Then, I pour from my overflowing cup to others. I provide a wonderful beverage in their time of thirst. I offer a drink from my cup because I know that my cup is continuously being refilled by The Master. My cup is always overflowing.

Thanks God/Goddess for filling me up! Thanks God/Goddess for my wonderful Heart. I keep it in excellent condition by daily exercising it with complete love for myself and others. Thanks God/Goddess. I Give THANKS!!

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