© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 24th

My stepfather, Odis Brown taught me and my siblings the importance of building a strong foundation. He founded Brown and Brown Construction in Los Angeles many years ago. In his construction work he demonstrated the absolute necessity of a solid foundation. A building cannot stand for long without first having a secure and strong foundation. You cannot build anything on a weak foundation, for it will surely collapse over time. This same illustration can be used for all areas of life and living.

Is your life built on a strong foundation? What materials make up your foundation? Did you hire an engineer to help? Have your blueprints passed IN-spection?

My life is built on the Love and Promises of God/Goddess. I believe my life is a gift. I believe I am here for a reason. I trust this is my time to flourish. I know I am to multiply and to be of good cheer. In multiplying, I add to the goodness of the Universe. I add peace and harmony. I add justice and service. In all my activities, I multiply.

My foundation is strong, sturdy and solid. My foundation is constructed on Truth principles. The truth is each person is made in the image and after the likeness of The Creator. Each has an equal right to be here at this time. I know that all is deserving of honor and respect. I give my best at all times starting with myself.

My foundation consists of unconditional love. I have no expectations of others loving me in return. If they so choose I am a grateful recipient. Otherwise I remain obedient to that which I am to do, love without expectations. Included in my foundation are the materials of Joy, Hope, Faith, Wisdom, Strength, Harmony and Acceptance.

My life is built upon a solid foundation. Therefore I stand erect, knowing that I can accomplish all that I am to do. I am governed by Grace and Mercy. I Am Thankful.

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