© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 25th

I have begun to truly look at trees. There appears to be a very magical essence about them. They are protection and resident for certain animals. They provide shade and coolness for people on a hot day. Trees are strong and most are tall. Some have huge trunks while others do not.

So what can we learn from a tree? We can learn to be strong yet bend with situations. The high winds come and we sway, we do not break. We gently acknowledge the harshness of the outer conditions while not allowing them to destroy us. We accept we cannot control all influences. Yet we know our strength is not in changing them but how we hold ourselves up during the process. Trees do not change during a storm or high winds, a tree is always a tree.

At certain times of the year a tree knows it is time to shed old leaves to make room for new ones to appear. Trees do not fight against the natural rhythm of life. They graciously allow the old leaves to fall away. Happily they anticipate the arrival of new leaves that come with the changing of the season. Trees know they must die to some things in order to give and have new life in others.

Trees have strong roots that go deep within the earth. Trees know who they are. Each tree I see in a unique expression of itself. They are individual with the same qualities.

I learn from trees. I learn the essence of living from trees. I do not deviate from who I am, a rich and highly blessed child of The One Source. I can and do bend with situations while remaining exactly who I am. I do not break from extreme or severe situations. I stand my ground because my roots are firmly planted in fertile soil. My roots are deep, I pay honor to my Ancestors for beginning the root that I am now a part of. I provide safety and refuge for those who are less fortunate.

I appreciate and welcome the newness in the change of seasons which are displayed by the new leaves on my branches. Thanks God/Goddess for giving me so many examples that I can learn from, especially the trees!

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