© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 26th

What do you feed your emotions? What emotions are you experiencing?

When we have good vibrational emotions we feel good and exuberant. We can laugh and truly enjoy life. We can choose to remain in this state or we can give that power away to another force.

Negative emotions have a tendency to rob us of happiness. Sometimes we feed them with food or other drugs. I use the term drugs to include all unhealthy activities. So regardless to what that something is that you feed off in times when you cannot give yourself positive words, it is a drug. A drug is an artificial stimulant and can be just about anything in the world.

Today I choose my emotions carefully. I consciously go and stay at a higher state of awareness. My emotions today are positive. I only allow positive emotions to exist for me this day. I meditate on positive thoughts.

I pray for Peace and Harmony. I am Joy and Love today. I surround myself with Light and Truth as I move through this day. It is my choice. My experiences are a reflection of the emotions I am carrying and expecting.

Today I feed upon the rich promises of God/Goddess. I know that I can choose my experiences, therefore I choose wisely. I feed upon the Goodness and Grace of God/Goddess. I feast from the Storehouse of Plenty. I am abundantly supplied.

Thanks God/Goddess for allowing me choice and free will. I know I have complete control of my life. I choose for it to be good and very good. I expect and experience good all the time.

I constantly feed my emotions Truth, Love, Joy and Happiness. I know that which I give out returns to me pressed down, shaken together and multiplied. That is the principle of reap and sow.

I feed my emotions Love and more Love!!!

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