© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 27th

The small stuff is the situations that appear in your life as opportunities for you to grow and expand. Small stuff can be challenges often seen as difficulties. Small stuff is everything that cannot and will not add value to your life. The small stuff is anything that you cannot control. The small stuff is just that, small stuff. The small stuff can be irritating and bothersome. The small stuff is annoying and unimportant.

I choose to use my energy and time wisely by focusing on the things that really matter to me. My life is important to me. What I do with my life is important to me. How I can serve others is important. What I say and do is important. How I treat others is important. I choose to invest my time and energy in those things I have decided are important to me.

The BIG stuff is Life! The BIG stuff is family and friends. The BIG stuff is Joy and Peace. The BIG stuff is serving others. The BIG stuff is Absolute, Unconditional Love, pure and simple.

I live my life understanding that my actions may affect others. My actions can help or hinder, assist or detract, add or subtract. I choose for my actions to reflect the BIG stuff of life and not the small. I choose to add to all situations with positive words and deeds.

God/Goddess is my BIG stuff! BIG enough to handle all situations in any kind of condition. Huge, Humongous that’s my GOD/GODDESS. With God/Goddess there is no need to concern myself with the small stuff. What relief to know I can and do call on The Most High to handle my small stuff. I concentrate on the BIG stuff!

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