© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 28th

You are alive and well, means you are worthy! You are a breathing soul, means that you are worthy. The precious blood that circulates through your body, means you are worthy! By simply BE-ing you are worthy!!!

I declare and accept my worthiness right now! I know that my life has meaning, value and worth. I am a deserving human, deserving of all honor, respect and dignity. I choose to not give or compromise myself in any situation. I cherish my self-worth.

I know I Am Worthy because I Am a God/Goddess-child. I Am heir to the Kingdom of The Creator. My worth has nothing to do with the kind of work I perform or the material possessions I own. My Worth is freely given to me through my life and existence.

I accept I Am worthy through God/Goddess’ Grace and Mercy! I acknowledge all others with this same attribute of Worthiness. We are each the same. 

It is my job to recognize the God/Goddess-presence in every person I encounter. I choose to honor their presence and accept they are worthy souls on this journey of life with me. My life is enriched by the multitudes. My circle of friends is filled with worthy folks. My family represents all worthy individuals. The stranger on the street is a worthy child of God/Goddess. The meek, sick and shut-in are all worthy folks. The disabled, handicap and challenged are all worthy.

In memory of those that have departed this physical plane, I honor your valued contributions to my existence. I know you are forever a worthy element of this vast Universe.

I add value by accepting and expressing my worthiness. I seek and see worthy folks all around me, everyplace I go. We are all the same.

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