© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 29th

To stand strong in Spirit is to truly know Spirit. Spirit is available to each one of us. We can connect with the awesome power of The Most High Holy Spirit when we choose to do so.

I stand strong in Spirit knowing Whose I am, a child of God/Goddess. I stand on the firm foundation of Spiritual Truth. This foundation is unshakable. I take time daily to communicate with my inner Spirit. This communication is incredible and sends wondrous energy throughout my body. I am energized by this communication. I feel renewed when I connect. It is awesome to know Spirit is always available to me. All I need to do is to call upon the Power and it is mine!

I stand in Spirit by allowing myself to freely express the goodness that is within me. I share with others from my storehouse of plenty. I have plenty of love and joy. I have plenty of words of support and encouragement. I have plenty of positive gestures, a smile, or a nod of approval. I express God/Goddess in all of my interactions with others.

I stand strong in Spirit by being good to myself. I treat myself as I would have others treat me. I nourish my inner Spirit by being honest with myself at all times. I love me unconditionally! I forgive myself whenever it is required. I talk loving words to myself. I wrap the warmth of God/Goddess around me and walk tall.

Yes today I stand strong in Spirit. Only good comes to me this day. I rejoice in my constant connection with Spirit.

I give Thanks!

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