© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 1st

This is a month of JOY! I love it!!! JOY – JOY – JOY!!!

I have JOY way down deep inside of me. JOY floods my heart, my core. JOY is in the marrow of my bones. JOY is in the cells of my skin!

God/Goddess has poured this wonderful energy of JOY into me. None other could give me such an incredibly remarkable feeling. Like the song says, ‘The world didn’t give it and the world can’t take it away.’

JOY is from The Creator! We receive JOY as a gift! All I know to do is to treasure this feeling of absolute contentment. It feels like rain slowly trickling down my face. It feels like the comfort of fresh sheets on my bed. It feels like the huge warm hug from a child. It’s amazingly sensuous. I have JOY in the roots of my being!

God/Goddess granted me JOY to experience this life with unconditional Love. JOY seeks Love in its purest state. JOY finds Peace in every encounter. JOY is Harmony in grand style. JOY simply is my preferred state of being.

I shout aloud my Gratitude for this indwelling JOY! Oh Thanks God/Goddess for this awesome phenomenal gift. I sing Praises to The Most High. I AM filled to overflowing with JOY! Thanks Allah for this dynamic treasure. My heart is filled with Thanksgiving. I know it is from The Source because it is absolutely complete within and of itself. I need nothing else when JOY is present in my life!

O, Thanks God/Goddess. Thanks!!!


