© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 2nd

Spread JOY everywhere you go today. Sprinkle JOY on all situations in your life. Concentrate on JOY this day. Enjoy the rewards that only JOY can bring.

Sprinkle JOY on the challenges and watch them fade away. Sprinkle JOY on your Spirit today and observe the remarkable difference in what manifest for you. Think thoughts of JOY and you will smile.

JOY is life at its best, regardless to what you might be entertaining in your thoughts. JOY will not and cannot coexist with anything other than its likeness. Sorrows and disharmony melts away. Conflicts and worry vanishes. Chaos loses it home in your head. Your heart is filled with love and Thanksgiving.

Oh what JOY I expect to experience today! I cooperate with the Spirit of JOY as it moves gently through my affairs. I willingly allow JOY to flow into my world. JOY is a welcomed guest in my surroundings.

I am a cloud of JOY showering all in and on my path with this gift. I fill myself up, like a rain cloud ready to burst. At the right time, which is now, I allow my JOY rain to wet each thing or person. This is my choice for today. I am a cloud of JOY ready, willing and able to add to the richness and abundance for myself and others.

JOY! An incredible feeling that uplifts and magnifies; an emotion so absolute it brings happiness to all.

Today I choose only JOY! I Am JOY! I radiate JOY! I exemplify JOY!