© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 3rd

JOY comes in the morning, is a phrase I have often heard. What time of day does JOY come to you?

The morning is always fresh and new. Each morning is yet another gift from God/Goddess, granting you another day of life. I choose my daily life to be lived in the morning hours. This means that as I go through the day I can stay mindful of the fact JOY comes in the morning. With that thought firmly planted in my consciousness, each moment of every day is the morning for me. And JOY is my experience always!

As the noon hour approaches I give Thanks. I Am Thankful for life and my ability to be involved in it. I Am Thankful for each activity I engage in. I Am Thankful for my gift of life. I Thank The Creator as often as I can this day for as I remember and count my Blessings they are multiplied. Being in a state of thanksgiving brings me the ultimate JOY!

As the evening sets I am appreciative. I am appreciative of everything that is unfolding. Each situation that comes is new like the morning. Each opportunity is fresh and offers me the ability to fully participate in the game of life.

As I lay myself down to sleep at night I am filled with JOY, I Thank God/Goddess for my many experiences of the day. Each occurrence blessed me and I paid attention to its gift. There may have been a lesson for me to learn. Perhaps a gift I received unexpectedly. Regardless to what I have encountered I remain thankful and grateful. There are no regrets in my life.

I live totally in JOY! My days are filled with the morning freshness and beauty. I can hear the birds singing all day long. I can feel the dew of the morning all day long. I see the beauty of the sunrise. I am grateful and fully excited about Life! JOY is my experience.

It is always morning for me. Life is always new and fresh!

I anticipate JOY and I receive it.

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