© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 4th

The JOY of the Lord is your Strength!

The more you utilize JOY the more active it becomes in you. As JOY becomes second nature in all of your activities, the more it will desire to demonstrate itself for you. All of your actions and interactions can be motivated by JOY when you make that choice. Use JOY as the tool it is, a soothing and calming presence. JOY is awesome to experience. It is alive when you call upon it and use it.

The more you exercise JOY, the stronger it will be for you. Like working out with your physical body, the more you exercise certain muscles the stronger they become. Flex the activity of JOY in all that you do and watch it get stronger and stronger. Soon there will not be a need for you to think about it; it will be there constantly without any effort from you. You have built JOY to last and it will carry you through all conditions.

You possess the power of a giant through JOY! God/Goddess has blessed you with JOY! Everything that comes from The Source is lasting, pure and true. This powerful thing called JOY is your strength. Accept it into your being, into your heart, into the core of your Spirit. Accept it as the gift it is, a free gift from GOD/GODDESS!

Release everything that does not bring you JOY! Let it go now. Expect only JOY and receive only JOY! Be empowered by The Infinite Intelligence of JOY! Be strengthened, renewed, encouraged and fortified by JOY!

The JOY of the Lord IS YOUR STRENGTH!!!

Affirm: The JOY of the Lord is my strength. I can do all things through the

Power of JOY.