© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 5th

Do you know or feel the Indwelling Presence of God/Goddess? Both are good and there is no right or wrong answer. There is a difference however.

To know you are here by the sheer Grace and Mercy of The Creator is wonderful. To understand that life exists purely by The Source breathing into all living things is powerful. To be able to explain just how marvelous the workings of God/Goddess is in your life is exciting. To voice affirmations is terrific.

Yet when you allow yourself to really ‘feel’ this incredible energy that sustains you, there are no words to describe it. You simply are ‘in’ Grace and Mercy. You feel it all the way down to your toes. You feel it like a first skin. You experience the flow through every atom and cell of your body. You feel it rushing through your heart pumping miraculously to every organ, giving it more life energy. To ‘feel God/Goddess’ is absolutely amazing!

I ‘feel’ the Omnipotent Presence of The Most High Source in my body, heart and blood! Just sit and ‘feel’ God/Goddess in YOU! It is glorious and wonderful! It is powerful and sustaining. God/Goddess is life itself.

Can you really ‘feel’ The Presence? Close your eyes for a moment. Be still. ‘Feel’ your heart beat. WOW! ‘Feel’ the blood circulating through your veins. WOW! ‘Feel’ your breath. WOW! Just experience it and appreciate it. Glow in the Love of God/Goddess gifting you with Life. Just ‘BE’ in it!!!

God/Goddess is the beginning, the middle and the end. Nothing comes or survives without the support of God/Goddess. I can ‘feel’ the Life Source in me. I ‘feel’ it and I love IT! I appreciate and treasure it.

Thanks God/Goddess, Allah, Creator, Most High, Source.

I do ‘feel’ The Life Sustaining Presence!