©Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 7th

I willingly and willfully show appreciation to all that is in my life this day!

I say my prayer of Thanksgiving to God/Goddess first. I wake with a smile on my face and in my heart. I am Thankful for another day of life, another opportunity to experience life. I move about this day with a consciousness of gratitude.

I am grateful for my place of residence, be it a room, an apartment or a house. I make it my home regardless to how it is called. My home is my expression of all that I Am. There is Love and Peace in my home. My home is my refuge, my sanctuary and I am grateful.

I appreciate the work that I do. I give my best to each and every detail. My work is a reflection of Who I am. Whatever condition I may currently be in, I remain grateful. I remember to say Thank You to each person at my place of employment. I honor who they are. I say Thank You to my clients. I say Thank You to my colleagues. I say Thank You!

I say thank you to every thing big or small, for I have called it into my life for a reason. I am grateful for the food I eat that nourishes my body temple. I am thankful for my surroundings. I am thankful for the beautiful people that have agreed to show up, just for me. I am thankful for the situations I have created in my life. I am grateful for the opportunities that have come to bless me with learnings that I would not have received otherwise. IN all things I am grateful.

Yes today I appreciate everything in my life! I am so extremely Blessed!

I Am Thankful!

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