© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 8th

My choice today is to accept JOY as an integral part of who I am created to be. I am led and governed by JOY! I move in JOY! I breathe in JOY!

I choose JOY because no one can choose this for me. It is my responsibility alone. Others may pray for me during an intercessory prayer but ultimately it is my choice what will appear in my life. My choices are wise.

By accepting JOY I am opening myself up to receiving Unconditional Love. I willingly Forgive because un-forgiveness simply cannot exist in me as I stay focused and centered in JOY. I release forever anything and everything that does not look or feel like JOY!

I choose to allow JOY to freely roam on my journey of life, to guide my way. My path is made straight. JOY directs my actions. What an incredible freedom this brings to me. I experience the promises made by my Father/Mother, who art in Heaven. This thing called JOY is remarkable. Absolutely nothing or no thing can disturb me as I am steadfast in my concentration on JOY. JOY controls and rules my thoughts, words and actions.  I am deliberate and dedicated to creating and maintaining my life in JOY!

When I choose JOY then JOY chooses me. We travel together, enjoying life. Simply Loving everything in and on our path. We do not judge nor condemn. We allow all that is, to express how it so chooses. This is truly an amazing experience of freedom and liberation.

JOY is my conscious choice today, a welcomed guest in my life.