© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 9th

I will trust the process of life. I will trust that I am divinely led in all my thoughts and actions. I trust I will know exactly what to do when the time comes.

I stay in constant communication with God/Goddess; therefore I trust and believe in the process of life. I pray and I meditate as often as possible. I become still and hear the answers given to me. I listen for my answers. There are times when God/Goddess will use another person to give me an answer. I trust I will know the difference of a person being Divinely ordered on my path of answers. I will trust myself to feel the right answer coming forth through whatever means The Infinite Intelligence uses.

I will trust that others are being the best they know how to be. I can and will serve as an example to others when appropriate. It is not my obligation in life to insist that another think or behave the way I feel is right. What is right for me just may not be the right thing for someone else. I will trust another to live their life as they see fit.

I will trust that the same Power that created the birds of the air to not have to worry about their food or dwelling place to be the same Infinite Power that desires the same thing for me. So I choose not to worry but be obedient to what I am led to accomplish without thought of lack or limitation.

I will trust that just as this day has come with the passing of twenty four hours that I am being taken care of by The Most High Source. I will trust that all is always in perfect order. So when times come and I get anxious, I choose to relax in my trusting The Infinite Intelligence to order my steps.

I declare to the Universe that I will trust God/Goddess and the inexhaustible supply that is available to me at all times!