© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 10th

Who told you? My friend Timothy Branch has asked this question of me and I find it a very interesting question to answer. What he is saying is to be very discerning while receiving information that leads you to any particular action.

So who are you listening to? And then who are you asking the question of?

Are you asking God/Goddess the questions: What is my next move? Where do I go for this or that? Do I continue to live here or is it time for me to move? Is this my perfect employment? God/Goddess what is it that You would have me to do? What is my purpose in life? Or any other question that may concern you.

The funny thing about this is the waiting period. Sometimes your answers will come immediately and yet often you must be patient and wait. The question remains however, “Who told you?”

You will know that the answer is from God/Goddess. When the perfect answer, for you, comes you will feel excited and peaceful at the same time. You will sense confidence, calmness and surety. You just know that you know that God/Goddess has blessed you with the answer.

When we do not wait for the Divine answer and desire to rush the process, ha-ha, all kinds of wonderful things will begin to happen. You begin to feel anxious and nervous. You experience different body ailments. You are just not feeling right and have difficulty explaining why.

So next time, right before you decide to take action ask yourself,

“Who told me?”