© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 11th

Tall order isn’t it? Not at all. Have you ever heard:  Know God – No Fear? Or you can’t worry and have faith at the same time.

So just for today practice the art of letting go all worry, fear based reactions, doubt and negative concern.

Each time something comes up for you that you find it difficult to focus on anything other than complete faith, stop! Re-focus your thoughts and energy. Take a deep cleansing breath and relax. Next picture the outcome exactly as you desire it to be. Hold that vision as long as you can. The worry will disappear. You may need to repeat this several times if you are not accustomed to projecting positive energy. The key point here is to remember to breath and relax. Allow the negative emotions to leave your thoughts and your body.

This takes practice and consistency. We unfortunately live in a world based and motivated on fear, so to counteract the effects you must be deliberate in doing this. Do not allow other people to tell you how awful things are. Do not listen to the negative hype.

Decide to rid yourself of all self limiting beliefs and ideas. You can have all that you desire and more! Remain open to receiving the goodness and there it is for you. The Universe is awesome and will respond to you in kindness.

Today I release all worry and fear! I allow the Goodness and Grace of the Merciful Creator to penetrate my core. I feast on God/Goddess’ promises today. I know I can. I, like my Father/Mother, are creators. I create Joy, Love, Harmony, Peace and Happiness.

Thanks God. Thanks Goddess.