©Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 13th

As I was sharing in conversation with my Godmother, Mother Elnor Abdullah who was a young 88 years, the following came up for discussion.

We must be about the business of discovering Heaven while we are still living this life. There is no need to wait and hope that death will bring us to a place of peace. Perhaps you will take with you to the other side exactly what you have created on this side. We can create that state of Heaven now.

We can create a place of Unconditional Forgiveness and Love. We can create a space of Complete Acceptance and Respect of others. We can build relationships built on Mutual Honor and Admiration. We can have Peace and Joy right now and right here on earth.

A state or an attitude of Heaven is being in a Higher Consciousness of who we are. We are the offspring of the Most High Creator. We are made in the image and after the likeness of Infinite Intelligence. Jesus said He came that we would have life and have it more abundantly.

Heaven is where we extend a helping hand to others in their time of need. Heaven is where we choose to honor the life of humans regardless if they look like us or not. Heaven is seeking and maintaining Peace in all situations. Heaven is being about God/Goddess’ business, protecting and preserving all life forms. Heaven is a state of Consciousness that tells us we can.

Heaven is that serene place of comfort. Heaven is being a comforter and encourager to others. Heaven is pure and seeks after its own kind. Heaven is knowing your connection to God/Goddess is real. Heaven is Love at the highest level of expression.

Heaven is my preferred place of residence here on earth.

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