© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 15th

Enjoy the experience you are currently in, there is JOY within it and all around you.

Whatever the experience looks like resolve yourself to finding the beauty and joy in it. It may be hiding but it is there! You have the choice and care of creating your life. When JOY is what you desire then JOY will be manifested. It is always your very own choice.

Blessings sometimes come disguised as something else. Yet when you are always expecting JOY and a miracle, then that is what will be evidenced by you. Take for instance, no employment. This could be a time of great distress or you can make the most of it and discover a great gift that has been waiting for you to have some free time to show itself to you. Maybe you can learn to swim or learn to paint or construct another artistic object. This may be the golden time of your life. Remember it is your choice of how you will look at it, either a curse or a blessing.

Enjoying the experience may mean that you are currently living a single life. Well how about truly developing your relationships with the friends in your life. You now have the time to do things that you did not have time for before. Go out and meet new people. Get involved in an activity that you have put off until the right time. Enjoy your life and the experience you are currently in.

Age has absolutely nothing to do with it. Age is a matter of consciousness. I know an elder who says she is 16, however the way we calculate age she is actually 88 years young. But for her, she is 16 (8+8) and loving life!!

Add flavor to your life by daring yourself to learn a new language or go to a new place just for the fun of it. Another friend of mine has recently relocated to the Southeast and he takes full advantage of his new environment by going out and learning about this new uncharted area of the United States he has never lived in before. He is having the time of his life.