© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 16th

Where is your focus, on the problem or the solution?

When focused on the problem you become constricted and rigid. You begin to tighten up, first your thoughts and then your body. All you continue to see is the problem. There is no way out for you. The problem appears to get bigger and bigger, it consumes all of your rationale thinking.

When you pay attention to the solution you open yourself up to wondrous opportunities, suggestions and ideas. As you look and concentrate on solutions, they appear. Things you may have never thought of before comes to mind for you. The resources begin to arrive in perfect time. People are ready and eager to help; they have been waiting for you to recognize their gift to you.

Focus on, without becoming totally attached to the outcome, to the solution. Perhaps there is something much, much grander in store for you. By staying with thoughts of a solution you are willing to entertain ideas outside of the customary boundaries you would have placed on yourself.

Get a clear and concise picture of what you want to materialize. Do not judge your thoughts. Dream and visualize the best possible solution.

Next go into prayer and communication with God/Goddess. Ask for help in clarifying what it is that you desire manifested. Ask for guidance with the details. Be very specific with your requests. And wait for your divine answers. If you are unsure, ask God/Goddess again. God/Goddess will make it very plain for you so there is no misunderstanding of the direction you should take.

The final step is being Thankful for the resolution. As each step unveils itself, be Thankful. Offer praise for your answers along the way. Thankfulness opens the doors of possibility!

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