© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 22nd

What are you catching with your fishing pole (consciousness)? What bait (thoughts) are you using? What size is your fishing pond (Faith)?

You can pull/catch the future and bring it into the present. Or you can continue catching the past by not releasing the old worn out tape. It is your choice. When you desire newness, you will gladly relinquish attachment to the past.  I can stop the tape of the past and discord it. As long as I find comfort in the familiar, even when it may cause me pain, and stay there, that is my choice.

Today I choose to fish from the pond of unlimited possibilities. I open myself up to visualizing in grand style. I use my gift of imagination and expand it by increasing my vision. I continue with this process of expanding and increasing until it is complete. Then I start over because I know God/Goddess is in control, which is my Faith. My vision is impaired by my physical and mental knowledge. However, I accept God/Goddess has more in store for me than I could ever imagine. I do my part by beginning the process and then allowing the Infinite Intelligence to guide and direct me to what and where I am to go. I am ever Thankful for being led by The Most High to my higher state of being and consciousness.

I require a large vessel to hold the fish I catch today. No longer is a small boat large enough to hold my catch. I willingly expand to receive my expected and unexpected good! It is right in front of me, some I see while others are just below the surface waiting for my bait to snag them.

Praises. As Praises go Up, Blessings Come Down!

I graciously accept them ALL!

Thanks God/Goddess. So Be It!!!

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