©Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 23rd

Within YOU is the Greatest Person ever known. Permission is hereby granted to you to accept this fact and live it in Absolute confidence.

You are great! You are wise! You are more than what you see in a mirror. You are infinite Spirit and inexhaustible Power. You posses Greatness.  You are Royalty. You are Magnificent. You are a shining Light.

YES I am talking about YOU!

You have the All-Knowing Source as part of your DNA. In your bloodline is the Powerful Omniscient Creator. Your heart is pumping with Allah Presence and Protection. Buddha is in your cells. Jehovah radiates in your being. Jesus is alive in you. All the Ascended Masters are breathing air into your lungs. The Ancestors strength and perseverance is your bone marrow. You are fully equipped with absolutely everything you require to accomplish whatever it is you desire to accomplish.

Recognize Who you are; An Incredibly Remarkable Unrepeatable Miracle.

There is Greatness inside of you. Have you recognized it? Do you honor it? Must it be repeated? Okay…. YOU ARE GREAT!

Accept and commit to your Greatness today. Live your life in Absolute Faith. Know that you are truly gifted with each and every little thing you require to manifest exactly what you choose.