© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 24th

I surrender my will and my way to Holy Spirit, To God/Goddess and to the Universe. I surrender to JOY!

I surrender to receive my abundance. I surrender so that I may release the limited prosperity that I would describe. I surrender to the All-Knowing Creative Intelligence that is Creator of all things.

In my surrendering I Am Thankful for my life! I Am filled with Love and Compassion; Wisdom and Understanding; Purpose and Power! I Am filled because I choose to be open and receptive. To whom much is given, much is required. I share from my storehouse of goodness and kindness. I bless others with my smile and openness.

I Am Thankful for my life! I Am Thankful that I have willingly allowed God/Goddess to express through me to touch others. I touch with Unconditional Love and Unlimited Acceptance, knowing that each person is doing the best they know how at that moment. I give what I would like to receive. I give because that is all I know to do, and it feels so good!

I Surrender totally and completely. I am not attached to the outcome. The outcome will Bless me and others. My Faith lifts me higher than my projections of possibilities.

I Surrender to God/Goddess!

I Surrender to Holy Spirit!

I Surrender to JOY!

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