© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 25th

Dreams will carry you through the nightmares of the day. Dreams reveal your inner most Faith in God/Goddess. Dreams know no boundaries. Dreams carry you to places of Serenity and Peace. Dreams occur during the night while you are asleep and during the day while you are wide awake.

What are your dreams revealing to you? Do you travel to foreign lands, uncovering amazing people and cultures? In your dreams is there acceptance and honor; everyone cooperating with one another? Is there absence of hate, greed and fear? Is the new land wonderful and friendly?

Do you dream of loved ones that have made their way to the other side? It is fantastic to communicate with them again. To say things you may have forgotten to tell them while they were still here in physical form. To hold them close to your heart and feel their warmth is a blessing. To know that you can still have access to them brings you such JOY!

What are your dreams saying to you? Where are you in this huge planetary space? Do you feel a connection to all there is? Do you dream in color, seeing the magnificence and beauty in vivid detail?

Do you honor your dreams?

Dreams are the gateway to the Spirit. Dreaming allows you detachment from your physical self. You arrive at Higher Consciousness of Connection to Source. Drift into the wonder of Dreaming, feel yourself alive in this state of being.

Enjoy the art of Dreaming. Go wherever you choose to go. Be whatever you desire.

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