© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 26th

How often do you ask the question, Why? As small children we are always asking, why. We want to learn the reason behind the information. We yearn to know.

As adults we may forget to ask why. We have become fearful of not knowing yet asking why will somehow let others know we do not know the answer. So what if you do not know. As an adult you would sternly tell a child that it is better to ask than risk getting hurt. That applies to all people.

Challenge the small talk that you have with yourself that keeps you in bondage to fear. Each person has the right to ask why. When you have the answer it becomes your responsibility to impart the wisdom.

Do you have intelligent conversations with yourself? Do you question your actions, asking the infamous – why? We can become so robotic, doing things so automatically that we often do not know the why. Perhaps your answer is because I have always done it this way. But WHY?

I have become a self observer and it is very interesting. Things I do so routinely, I am asking myself – why? Do my actions reflect who I am? Am I stuck in a past condition of reacting? Can I change willingly? Or will I offer resistance to myself?

I have learned to laugh at and with myself, especially when my actions are not representative of who I am today. At times I have accepted what others have told me to be the truth, unconsciously of course (smile). Or I go along on automatic because I am not required to think about what I am doing.

Practice being an observer of you today. Ask yourself why whenever you catch yourself doing anything that does not reflect who you say you are. This is a fascinating exercise and I know you will find value in doing it.

Why? Please record your responses. Peace be unto you.

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