© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 27th

I am open and obedient to God/Goddess’s Kingdom that abides within me. I joyously meditate as I listen to God/Goddess’ instructions for me. I am the dwelling place of God/Goddess’ Kingdom; all that is good and very good abides in me. I acknowledge and celebrate the kingdom of God/Goddess that is within me.

Thanks God/Goddess for creating me just the way I am at this exact moment. Thanks for establishing Your kingdom in me. Thanks God/Goddess for I am still growing. All I desire to do is give thanks. I am thankful for my free gift of life and breath. I am appreciative that I do not have to earn the blood that flows through my veins. I am grateful for the creation of everything that exists so that my life is made comfortable and peaceful.

I release the need to take care of others and focus on my own spiritual growth and understanding. My insistence on helping others may cause harm and injury to them. Each person is responsible for their own spiritual growth. When I get in the way of a person’s lesson, I am not helping. I no longer feel a need to take care of another person’s problem. I can and do provide assistance when asked; otherwise I honor the person with respect by allowing them freedom to receive their valuable lesson. I know they are ultimately the bearer of the blessing received in their life lesson.

Oh God/Goddess I AM Thankful. Thanks God/Goddess.

I receive Your Kingdom with Gratitude.

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