© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 28th

What are you depositing into the bank of your soul’s memory?

Are you ensuring happiness is there? If not, bring more pleasure into your existence. Create happy moments with friends and family. Create opportunities that allow you to smile when you look back over your life. Today is the perfect time to begin manifesting those happy moments. Do something today that you will remember with fondness.

Is fulfillment an ingredient in your memory? Are you truly living the life you desire? Doing what you like is necessary to your soul being filled full. Is there a new skill you would like to learn and have put it off? Do it now.

Memories of satisfaction can create such warmth when you are going through a low period in life. You can summon up those memories and feel the same satisfaction as when the event first occurred.

Does your memory bank account contain adequate amounts of contentment? Have you given all that you would like to the improvement and betterment of society? Can you perhaps look for ways to become more active in your community? Service to others is always a sure way to feel the emotion of contentment.

Today I carefully choose activities that will add value to my memory bank. I create for myself a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. I store in my memory bank thoughts of happiness and contentment.

I will look back on my life and smile, knowing that I gave as much to the Universe as it gave to me.