© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 30th

This has been a fabulous month. JOY has been our motivation and our focus. JOY has spread out from you to the entire world. I can see and feel your Light shining and lighting the path for yourself and others.

JOY is a small word with tremendous power. JOY is the perfect antidote for all ills suffered by humanity. When we stay centered in JOY we place a barrier around us; a shield of protection from negativity and all of its kin folks.

JOY, what a terrific feeling to experience. Knowing it is available to me at my beck and call is amazing. No one else has to be around for me to feel JOY. I do not need to call someone to bring it to me. I already have it and that is wonderful. It is mine and I treasure its gift to me.

JOY is the morning dew that falls gently upon the lawn. JOY is the birds singing at dawn telling me it is yet another bright beautiful day to live and be alive. JOY is whatever you desire for it to be that brings you pure bliss and unconditional love. JOY is hope for a better environment. JOY is World Peace. JOY is total forgiveness and acceptance.

JOY is the cornerstone of the foundation of my life.