©Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 17th

Wherever I go, I must be present. I must show up.

To fully appreciate any activity you must be totally present. For instance when I go into prayer and meditation, I do not allow anything to disturb me. The phone is taken off the hook, turned off or unplugged and I do not concern myself with who might want to call me during my daily ritual. Absolute peace and quiet; its just me and God/Goddess, communicating.

Likewise when I go on the job to work that is what I give my attention to. I show up in grand style, always willing and willful to give my best. I do the work I am commissioned to do and receive pay for my services.

In my relationships I show up joyous and filled with appreciative love and acceptance for the person(s). This is my opportunity to give the best of me to the other person. I enjoy the relationships I have with others. I am learning from the exchange, I am growing as a result of this two way communication and dialog.

To each and every activity we engage we are required to just show up, to be present in the moment with the others that are involved. There are constant Blessings to receive when you are in this state of consciousness.

Today I show up in my best possible state of Peace and Harmony. I give my best at all times. I must show up to reap the benefits of being present. I accept there is always a gift awaiting my presence.

Wherever I may go I choose to be present. I show up in my best attire including an attitude of gratitude that I am able to fully participate in the exchange with someone.

I show up so God/Goddess can show out, expressing through me.


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 16th

Where is your focus, on the problem or the solution?

When focused on the problem you become constricted and rigid. You begin to tighten up, first your thoughts and then your body. All you continue to see is the problem. There is no way out for you. The problem appears to get bigger and bigger, it consumes all of your rationale thinking.

When you pay attention to the solution you open yourself up to wondrous opportunities, suggestions and ideas. As you look and concentrate on solutions, they appear. Things you may have never thought of before comes to mind for you. The resources begin to arrive in perfect time. People are ready and eager to help; they have been waiting for you to recognize their gift to you.

Focus on, without becoming totally attached to the outcome, to the solution. Perhaps there is something much, much grander in store for you. By staying with thoughts of a solution you are willing to entertain ideas outside of the customary boundaries you would have placed on yourself.

Get a clear and concise picture of what you want to materialize. Do not judge your thoughts. Dream and visualize the best possible solution.

Next go into prayer and communication with God/Goddess. Ask for help in clarifying what it is that you desire manifested. Ask for guidance with the details. Be very specific with your requests. And wait for your divine answers. If you are unsure, ask God/Goddess again. God/Goddess will make it very plain for you so there is no misunderstanding of the direction you should take.

The final step is being Thankful for the resolution. As each step unveils itself, be Thankful. Offer praise for your answers along the way. Thankfulness opens the doors of possibility!


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 15th

Enjoy the experience you are currently in, there is JOY within it and all around you.

Whatever the experience looks like resolve yourself to finding the beauty and joy in it. It may be hiding but it is there! You have the choice and care of creating your life. When JOY is what you desire then JOY will be manifested. It is always your very own choice.

Blessings sometimes come disguised as something else. Yet when you are always expecting JOY and a miracle, then that is what will be evidenced by you. Take for instance, no employment. This could be a time of great distress or you can make the most of it and discover a great gift that has been waiting for you to have some free time to show itself to you. Maybe you can learn to swim or learn to paint or construct another artistic object. This may be the golden time of your life. Remember it is your choice of how you will look at it, either a curse or a blessing.

Enjoying the experience may mean that you are currently living a single life. Well how about truly developing your relationships with the friends in your life. You now have the time to do things that you did not have time for before. Go out and meet new people. Get involved in an activity that you have put off until the right time. Enjoy your life and the experience you are currently in.

Age has absolutely nothing to do with it. Age is a matter of consciousness. I know an elder who says she is 16, however the way we calculate age she is actually 88 years young. But for her, she is 16 (8+8) and loving life!!

Add flavor to your life by daring yourself to learn a new language or go to a new place just for the fun of it. Another friend of mine has recently relocated to the Southeast and he takes full advantage of his new environment by going out and learning about this new uncharted area of the United States he has never lived in before. He is having the time of his life.


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 14th

Let us celebrate all that is good and very good. Let us keep our attention on the vastness of The Almighty.

Goodness is everywhere present. There is goodness in life and living. There is goodness in creation and recreation. There is goodness in death. There is goodness all around us every day.

There is JOY all around when you decide to notice it. Gradually more and more of my personal friends are telling me how incredible it has been for them to begin noticing the goodness that has been around them all the time that they had not noticed before. Like sitting at a pool of water and first only seeing the water in the pool but by consciously expanding their vision to include other objects soon they saw the trees, birds and finally the sky and clouds being reflected on the water.

Goodness is often not thought of when you talk about death or transitions but there is beauty and goodness in that person’s life. A wise elder once told me that as long as we call and say the person’s name they are never dead. So I talk fondly of all the wonderful souls that have blessed me with their presence for how ever long it was. When I catch myself doing something that reminds me of that person I remark to them how much I miss their physical presence but love that they are in my heart forever. Yes I communicate with ones who are no longer alive. Spirit never dies.

Goodness is all around us. We may need to do an adjustment on how we perceive something but the fact remains it is All Good All The Time!

Today celebrate all the goodness in your life! Be Thankful! Be mindful of your many Blessings! You are Goodness in Human form!!!


©Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 13th

As I was sharing in conversation with my Godmother, Mother Elnor Abdullah who was a young 88 years, the following came up for discussion.

We must be about the business of discovering Heaven while we are still living this life. There is no need to wait and hope that death will bring us to a place of peace. Perhaps you will take with you to the other side exactly what you have created on this side. We can create that state of Heaven now.

We can create a place of Unconditional Forgiveness and Love. We can create a space of Complete Acceptance and Respect of others. We can build relationships built on Mutual Honor and Admiration. We can have Peace and Joy right now and right here on earth.

A state or an attitude of Heaven is being in a Higher Consciousness of who we are. We are the offspring of the Most High Creator. We are made in the image and after the likeness of Infinite Intelligence. Jesus said He came that we would have life and have it more abundantly.

Heaven is where we extend a helping hand to others in their time of need. Heaven is where we choose to honor the life of humans regardless if they look like us or not. Heaven is seeking and maintaining Peace in all situations. Heaven is being about God/Goddess’ business, protecting and preserving all life forms. Heaven is a state of Consciousness that tells us we can.

Heaven is that serene place of comfort. Heaven is being a comforter and encourager to others. Heaven is pure and seeks after its own kind. Heaven is knowing your connection to God/Goddess is real. Heaven is Love at the highest level of expression.

Heaven is my preferred place of residence here on earth.


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 12th

I can hear the inspiring messages of the Musical Masters of yester year playing in my mind. The music of the 60’s, the 70’s and the 80’s had some of the greatest musical geniuses known. This is not to dismiss the legends of today but rather to pay tribute to these phenomenal talents.

I can hear Marvin Gaye singing a song that is still appropriate to what is happening today in our society. The song, “What’s going on?” Marvin tells about the discrepancies in our care of the environment and generally just asks a simple question, “What’s going on?”

And Harold Melvin and The Blue Notes with “Wake Up Everybody”. The lyrics describe the time is now to make a change, a positive change, ‘No more backwards thinking, time for thinking ahead.’

And how about Curtis Mayfield on his last recording talked about a “New World Order.” Curtis had other great songs as well but he knew what we needed and had to get the message out before he transitioned. Thanks Curtis.

My list of favorites is long and includes Teddy Pendergrass, Sounds of Blackness, Gladys Knight and The Pips, The Isley Brothers, Aretha Franklin, The Temptations, The Supremes, Jerry Butler, Prince, Stevie Wonder, The Miracles, Brenda Holloway, The Whispers, Luther Vandross, Sly and The Family Stone, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley, Miles Davis, Donny Hathaway, John Coltrane and Grover Washington Jr. Of course by no means is this list all inclusive of the musical legends and giants. These are just some of the names I remember with love! And wanted to let them know how much I appreciate them.

These talents just knew to do what they loved to do. They sung from their core and shared so freely their gift. Who has influenced your thoughts? Do you recall their names with a smile on your face? Do you share your gift(s), whatever they may be, as these individuals do and did?


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 11th

Tall order isn’t it? Not at all. Have you ever heard:  Know God – No Fear? Or you can’t worry and have faith at the same time.

So just for today practice the art of letting go all worry, fear based reactions, doubt and negative concern.

Each time something comes up for you that you find it difficult to focus on anything other than complete faith, stop! Re-focus your thoughts and energy. Take a deep cleansing breath and relax. Next picture the outcome exactly as you desire it to be. Hold that vision as long as you can. The worry will disappear. You may need to repeat this several times if you are not accustomed to projecting positive energy. The key point here is to remember to breath and relax. Allow the negative emotions to leave your thoughts and your body.

This takes practice and consistency. We unfortunately live in a world based and motivated on fear, so to counteract the effects you must be deliberate in doing this. Do not allow other people to tell you how awful things are. Do not listen to the negative hype.

Decide to rid yourself of all self limiting beliefs and ideas. You can have all that you desire and more! Remain open to receiving the goodness and there it is for you. The Universe is awesome and will respond to you in kindness.

Today I release all worry and fear! I allow the Goodness and Grace of the Merciful Creator to penetrate my core. I feast on God/Goddess’ promises today. I know I can. I, like my Father/Mother, are creators. I create Joy, Love, Harmony, Peace and Happiness.

Thanks God. Thanks Goddess.


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 10th

Who told you? My friend Timothy Branch has asked this question of me and I find it a very interesting question to answer. What he is saying is to be very discerning while receiving information that leads you to any particular action.

So who are you listening to? And then who are you asking the question of?

Are you asking God/Goddess the questions: What is my next move? Where do I go for this or that? Do I continue to live here or is it time for me to move? Is this my perfect employment? God/Goddess what is it that You would have me to do? What is my purpose in life? Or any other question that may concern you.

The funny thing about this is the waiting period. Sometimes your answers will come immediately and yet often you must be patient and wait. The question remains however, “Who told you?”

You will know that the answer is from God/Goddess. When the perfect answer, for you, comes you will feel excited and peaceful at the same time. You will sense confidence, calmness and surety. You just know that you know that God/Goddess has blessed you with the answer.

When we do not wait for the Divine answer and desire to rush the process, ha-ha, all kinds of wonderful things will begin to happen. You begin to feel anxious and nervous. You experience different body ailments. You are just not feeling right and have difficulty explaining why.

So next time, right before you decide to take action ask yourself,

“Who told me?”


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 9th

I will trust the process of life. I will trust that I am divinely led in all my thoughts and actions. I trust I will know exactly what to do when the time comes.

I stay in constant communication with God/Goddess; therefore I trust and believe in the process of life. I pray and I meditate as often as possible. I become still and hear the answers given to me. I listen for my answers. There are times when God/Goddess will use another person to give me an answer. I trust I will know the difference of a person being Divinely ordered on my path of answers. I will trust myself to feel the right answer coming forth through whatever means The Infinite Intelligence uses.

I will trust that others are being the best they know how to be. I can and will serve as an example to others when appropriate. It is not my obligation in life to insist that another think or behave the way I feel is right. What is right for me just may not be the right thing for someone else. I will trust another to live their life as they see fit.

I will trust that the same Power that created the birds of the air to not have to worry about their food or dwelling place to be the same Infinite Power that desires the same thing for me. So I choose not to worry but be obedient to what I am led to accomplish without thought of lack or limitation.

I will trust that just as this day has come with the passing of twenty four hours that I am being taken care of by The Most High Source. I will trust that all is always in perfect order. So when times come and I get anxious, I choose to relax in my trusting The Infinite Intelligence to order my steps.

I declare to the Universe that I will trust God/Goddess and the inexhaustible supply that is available to me at all times!


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 8th

My choice today is to accept JOY as an integral part of who I am created to be. I am led and governed by JOY! I move in JOY! I breathe in JOY!

I choose JOY because no one can choose this for me. It is my responsibility alone. Others may pray for me during an intercessory prayer but ultimately it is my choice what will appear in my life. My choices are wise.

By accepting JOY I am opening myself up to receiving Unconditional Love. I willingly Forgive because un-forgiveness simply cannot exist in me as I stay focused and centered in JOY. I release forever anything and everything that does not look or feel like JOY!

I choose to allow JOY to freely roam on my journey of life, to guide my way. My path is made straight. JOY directs my actions. What an incredible freedom this brings to me. I experience the promises made by my Father/Mother, who art in Heaven. This thing called JOY is remarkable. Absolutely nothing or no thing can disturb me as I am steadfast in my concentration on JOY. JOY controls and rules my thoughts, words and actions.  I am deliberate and dedicated to creating and maintaining my life in JOY!

When I choose JOY then JOY chooses me. We travel together, enjoying life. Simply Loving everything in and on our path. We do not judge nor condemn. We allow all that is, to express how it so chooses. This is truly an amazing experience of freedom and liberation.

JOY is my conscious choice today, a welcomed guest in my life.