© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 10th

Who told you? My friend Timothy Branch has asked this question of me and I find it a very interesting question to answer. What he is saying is to be very discerning while receiving information that leads you to any particular action.

So who are you listening to? And then who are you asking the question of?

Are you asking God/Goddess the questions: What is my next move? Where do I go for this or that? Do I continue to live here or is it time for me to move? Is this my perfect employment? God/Goddess what is it that You would have me to do? What is my purpose in life? Or any other question that may concern you.

The funny thing about this is the waiting period. Sometimes your answers will come immediately and yet often you must be patient and wait. The question remains however, “Who told you?”

You will know that the answer is from God/Goddess. When the perfect answer, for you, comes you will feel excited and peaceful at the same time. You will sense confidence, calmness and surety. You just know that you know that God/Goddess has blessed you with the answer.

When we do not wait for the Divine answer and desire to rush the process, ha-ha, all kinds of wonderful things will begin to happen. You begin to feel anxious and nervous. You experience different body ailments. You are just not feeling right and have difficulty explaining why.

So next time, right before you decide to take action ask yourself,

“Who told me?”


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 9th

I will trust the process of life. I will trust that I am divinely led in all my thoughts and actions. I trust I will know exactly what to do when the time comes.

I stay in constant communication with God/Goddess; therefore I trust and believe in the process of life. I pray and I meditate as often as possible. I become still and hear the answers given to me. I listen for my answers. There are times when God/Goddess will use another person to give me an answer. I trust I will know the difference of a person being Divinely ordered on my path of answers. I will trust myself to feel the right answer coming forth through whatever means The Infinite Intelligence uses.

I will trust that others are being the best they know how to be. I can and will serve as an example to others when appropriate. It is not my obligation in life to insist that another think or behave the way I feel is right. What is right for me just may not be the right thing for someone else. I will trust another to live their life as they see fit.

I will trust that the same Power that created the birds of the air to not have to worry about their food or dwelling place to be the same Infinite Power that desires the same thing for me. So I choose not to worry but be obedient to what I am led to accomplish without thought of lack or limitation.

I will trust that just as this day has come with the passing of twenty four hours that I am being taken care of by The Most High Source. I will trust that all is always in perfect order. So when times come and I get anxious, I choose to relax in my trusting The Infinite Intelligence to order my steps.

I declare to the Universe that I will trust God/Goddess and the inexhaustible supply that is available to me at all times!


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 8th

My choice today is to accept JOY as an integral part of who I am created to be. I am led and governed by JOY! I move in JOY! I breathe in JOY!

I choose JOY because no one can choose this for me. It is my responsibility alone. Others may pray for me during an intercessory prayer but ultimately it is my choice what will appear in my life. My choices are wise.

By accepting JOY I am opening myself up to receiving Unconditional Love. I willingly Forgive because un-forgiveness simply cannot exist in me as I stay focused and centered in JOY. I release forever anything and everything that does not look or feel like JOY!

I choose to allow JOY to freely roam on my journey of life, to guide my way. My path is made straight. JOY directs my actions. What an incredible freedom this brings to me. I experience the promises made by my Father/Mother, who art in Heaven. This thing called JOY is remarkable. Absolutely nothing or no thing can disturb me as I am steadfast in my concentration on JOY. JOY controls and rules my thoughts, words and actions.  I am deliberate and dedicated to creating and maintaining my life in JOY!

When I choose JOY then JOY chooses me. We travel together, enjoying life. Simply Loving everything in and on our path. We do not judge nor condemn. We allow all that is, to express how it so chooses. This is truly an amazing experience of freedom and liberation.

JOY is my conscious choice today, a welcomed guest in my life.


©Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 7th

I willingly and willfully show appreciation to all that is in my life this day!

I say my prayer of Thanksgiving to God/Goddess first. I wake with a smile on my face and in my heart. I am Thankful for another day of life, another opportunity to experience life. I move about this day with a consciousness of gratitude.

I am grateful for my place of residence, be it a room, an apartment or a house. I make it my home regardless to how it is called. My home is my expression of all that I Am. There is Love and Peace in my home. My home is my refuge, my sanctuary and I am grateful.

I appreciate the work that I do. I give my best to each and every detail. My work is a reflection of Who I am. Whatever condition I may currently be in, I remain grateful. I remember to say Thank You to each person at my place of employment. I honor who they are. I say Thank You to my clients. I say Thank You to my colleagues. I say Thank You!

I say thank you to every thing big or small, for I have called it into my life for a reason. I am grateful for the food I eat that nourishes my body temple. I am thankful for my surroundings. I am thankful for the beautiful people that have agreed to show up, just for me. I am thankful for the situations I have created in my life. I am grateful for the opportunities that have come to bless me with learnings that I would not have received otherwise. IN all things I am grateful.

Yes today I appreciate everything in my life! I am so extremely Blessed!

I Am Thankful!


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 6th

I choose:







My life is exactly what I make it to be. No outside influences have power over me. I determine what shows up in my experiences.

Today I choose to live in absolute bliss! I Am the CEO of my life.

I consciously choose Greatness to be my guiding guardian Angel, to lead me where it is I am to go.

Prosperity and Abundance are my twin companions, my constant advisors of Awareness. 

I choose the Higher Road. I am elevated to Heaven by my thoughts, words and actions. It is my right to those things that I declare for myself to be True.

I choose to live in complete Surrender to God/Goddess’ Will.

This IS … My Life! I choose the BEST for myself!


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 5th

Do you know or feel the Indwelling Presence of God/Goddess? Both are good and there is no right or wrong answer. There is a difference however.

To know you are here by the sheer Grace and Mercy of The Creator is wonderful. To understand that life exists purely by The Source breathing into all living things is powerful. To be able to explain just how marvelous the workings of God/Goddess is in your life is exciting. To voice affirmations is terrific.

Yet when you allow yourself to really ‘feel’ this incredible energy that sustains you, there are no words to describe it. You simply are ‘in’ Grace and Mercy. You feel it all the way down to your toes. You feel it like a first skin. You experience the flow through every atom and cell of your body. You feel it rushing through your heart pumping miraculously to every organ, giving it more life energy. To ‘feel God/Goddess’ is absolutely amazing!

I ‘feel’ the Omnipotent Presence of The Most High Source in my body, heart and blood! Just sit and ‘feel’ God/Goddess in YOU! It is glorious and wonderful! It is powerful and sustaining. God/Goddess is life itself.

Can you really ‘feel’ The Presence? Close your eyes for a moment. Be still. ‘Feel’ your heart beat. WOW! ‘Feel’ the blood circulating through your veins. WOW! ‘Feel’ your breath. WOW! Just experience it and appreciate it. Glow in the Love of God/Goddess gifting you with Life. Just ‘BE’ in it!!!

God/Goddess is the beginning, the middle and the end. Nothing comes or survives without the support of God/Goddess. I can ‘feel’ the Life Source in me. I ‘feel’ it and I love IT! I appreciate and treasure it.

Thanks God/Goddess, Allah, Creator, Most High, Source.

I do ‘feel’ The Life Sustaining Presence!


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 4th

The JOY of the Lord is your Strength!

The more you utilize JOY the more active it becomes in you. As JOY becomes second nature in all of your activities, the more it will desire to demonstrate itself for you. All of your actions and interactions can be motivated by JOY when you make that choice. Use JOY as the tool it is, a soothing and calming presence. JOY is awesome to experience. It is alive when you call upon it and use it.

The more you exercise JOY, the stronger it will be for you. Like working out with your physical body, the more you exercise certain muscles the stronger they become. Flex the activity of JOY in all that you do and watch it get stronger and stronger. Soon there will not be a need for you to think about it; it will be there constantly without any effort from you. You have built JOY to last and it will carry you through all conditions.

You possess the power of a giant through JOY! God/Goddess has blessed you with JOY! Everything that comes from The Source is lasting, pure and true. This powerful thing called JOY is your strength. Accept it into your being, into your heart, into the core of your Spirit. Accept it as the gift it is, a free gift from GOD/GODDESS!

Release everything that does not bring you JOY! Let it go now. Expect only JOY and receive only JOY! Be empowered by The Infinite Intelligence of JOY! Be strengthened, renewed, encouraged and fortified by JOY!

The JOY of the Lord IS YOUR STRENGTH!!!

Affirm: The JOY of the Lord is my strength. I can do all things through the

Power of JOY.


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 3rd

JOY comes in the morning, is a phrase I have often heard. What time of day does JOY come to you?

The morning is always fresh and new. Each morning is yet another gift from God/Goddess, granting you another day of life. I choose my daily life to be lived in the morning hours. This means that as I go through the day I can stay mindful of the fact JOY comes in the morning. With that thought firmly planted in my consciousness, each moment of every day is the morning for me. And JOY is my experience always!

As the noon hour approaches I give Thanks. I Am Thankful for life and my ability to be involved in it. I Am Thankful for each activity I engage in. I Am Thankful for my gift of life. I Thank The Creator as often as I can this day for as I remember and count my Blessings they are multiplied. Being in a state of thanksgiving brings me the ultimate JOY!

As the evening sets I am appreciative. I am appreciative of everything that is unfolding. Each situation that comes is new like the morning. Each opportunity is fresh and offers me the ability to fully participate in the game of life.

As I lay myself down to sleep at night I am filled with JOY, I Thank God/Goddess for my many experiences of the day. Each occurrence blessed me and I paid attention to its gift. There may have been a lesson for me to learn. Perhaps a gift I received unexpectedly. Regardless to what I have encountered I remain thankful and grateful. There are no regrets in my life.

I live totally in JOY! My days are filled with the morning freshness and beauty. I can hear the birds singing all day long. I can feel the dew of the morning all day long. I see the beauty of the sunrise. I am grateful and fully excited about Life! JOY is my experience.

It is always morning for me. Life is always new and fresh!

I anticipate JOY and I receive it.


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 2nd

Spread JOY everywhere you go today. Sprinkle JOY on all situations in your life. Concentrate on JOY this day. Enjoy the rewards that only JOY can bring.

Sprinkle JOY on the challenges and watch them fade away. Sprinkle JOY on your Spirit today and observe the remarkable difference in what manifest for you. Think thoughts of JOY and you will smile.

JOY is life at its best, regardless to what you might be entertaining in your thoughts. JOY will not and cannot coexist with anything other than its likeness. Sorrows and disharmony melts away. Conflicts and worry vanishes. Chaos loses it home in your head. Your heart is filled with love and Thanksgiving.

Oh what JOY I expect to experience today! I cooperate with the Spirit of JOY as it moves gently through my affairs. I willingly allow JOY to flow into my world. JOY is a welcomed guest in my surroundings.

I am a cloud of JOY showering all in and on my path with this gift. I fill myself up, like a rain cloud ready to burst. At the right time, which is now, I allow my JOY rain to wet each thing or person. This is my choice for today. I am a cloud of JOY ready, willing and able to add to the richness and abundance for myself and others.

JOY! An incredible feeling that uplifts and magnifies; an emotion so absolute it brings happiness to all.

Today I choose only JOY! I Am JOY! I radiate JOY! I exemplify JOY!


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

June 1st

This is a month of JOY! I love it!!! JOY – JOY – JOY!!!

I have JOY way down deep inside of me. JOY floods my heart, my core. JOY is in the marrow of my bones. JOY is in the cells of my skin!

God/Goddess has poured this wonderful energy of JOY into me. None other could give me such an incredibly remarkable feeling. Like the song says, ‘The world didn’t give it and the world can’t take it away.’

JOY is from The Creator! We receive JOY as a gift! All I know to do is to treasure this feeling of absolute contentment. It feels like rain slowly trickling down my face. It feels like the comfort of fresh sheets on my bed. It feels like the huge warm hug from a child. It’s amazingly sensuous. I have JOY in the roots of my being!

God/Goddess granted me JOY to experience this life with unconditional Love. JOY seeks Love in its purest state. JOY finds Peace in every encounter. JOY is Harmony in grand style. JOY simply is my preferred state of being.

I shout aloud my Gratitude for this indwelling JOY! Oh Thanks God/Goddess for this awesome phenomenal gift. I sing Praises to The Most High. I AM filled to overflowing with JOY! Thanks Allah for this dynamic treasure. My heart is filled with Thanksgiving. I know it is from The Source because it is absolutely complete within and of itself. I need nothing else when JOY is present in my life!

O, Thanks God/Goddess. Thanks!!!


