© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 19th

We are each a King or Queen. I honor your presence. I treasure your gift!

I hold myself in the position of high honor. I am my best daily. I show up as God/Goddess would determine my steps. In my showing up in various situations I bring forth my awesome light to brighten the path of this journey of life. I remember I am here for a reason. I show unconditional love to all around me. I demonstrate true acceptance by remaining in an attitude of royalty.

It is my extreme pleasure to treat all those around me with dignity and respect. I know I hold the key to someone’s happiness today. I greet each person with a welcoming smile. I understand that my gentle actions may be the only ones received by the stranger I meet today. Therefore I do so willingly and graciously. I know they have appeared on my path for a reason. I accept my responsibility is to be as kind and loving to them as possible.

Yes, I am a King or Queen. In this majestic role I am held to a higher calling of creating. I create Peace. I create Joy. I create Unconditional Love. I create Harmony. I can and do bequeath a thing and it is done. I have the right to touch all with my crown of happiness and well being.

I allow the awesome Power and Presence of the Most High God/Goddess to radiate from me. I serve as a beacon of Hope and Restoration. I am a gentle giant displaying huge amounts of Joyful Gratitude to all human life. In my going out and returning I am mindful of all of nature. I contribute to the upkeep, maintenance and beauty by adding a note of Thanks for its existence. I appreciate every detail I observe today. In my appreciation I am reminded of my connection, as this is all One Life. There is no separation.

I acknowledge and give thanks for my royal position in the Kingdom! It is God/Goddess’s will that I fully participate. Thanks God/Goddess for I Am Royalty, made in Your Image.

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