© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 20th

This life of mine is Priceless! I am excited about this new day. There is a miracle waiting for me to discover today. I am eager of its arrival. I guard the treasure of this new, never before experienced DAY! IT IS PRICELESS!

Thanks God/Goddess for granting me another day to fully participate and engage in. I will surely use this day to the fullest. I will express Joy and Peace to myself. I Am pleased and proud of the person I have become. I welcome each lesson learned along the way for they have added to me becoming the wonderful person I am today.

My life is Priceless, a unique blend of blessings, lessons, experiences and situations. Many conditions have appeared along my path and I am grateful for each one. I have been stretched to become a better and bigger person. I am thankful for the multitude of individuals who have agreed to serve as either a teacher or a student in my life.

My Priceless existence is all made possible by The All-Knowing Infinite Intelligence. I give my sincere Gratitude to The Source. For I know that I do not control my life, my life is sustained by The Most High. My appreciation is demonstrated by loving myself more and more each day. I honor who I am. I treasure my life, it is a gift!

Being born into my family of origin; Being loved by many; Learning life lessons each priceless and come completely clothed in Grace and Mercy. Oh Thanks God/Goddess for the many displays of YOUR LOVE! These experiences have come to bless me. I thank You for each as they have unfolded.

Yes I know my life is Priceless!!! I Am a unique, unrepeatable expression of God/Goddess. I Am Priceless! I accept and declare all is good and very good.

Yes absolutely PRICELESS!!!

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