© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 21st

As I sat and listened intently to Sri Charles of Shanti Villa Holistic Healing Institute, I clearly heard his message of being still. As questions were being posed to him by the participants, his response to solving their seeming challenge was, Just Sit! What a powerful lesson he was giving to all of us.

Our answers are imbedded in the core of who we are. We need not look to anyone else for the answer. This was coming from an esteemed Spiritual leader. Sri Charles did not desire people to look to him for their answers. He knows the authenticity of God/Goddess-Power working in each person’s life. And so he kept directing the person back to their own Spirit for their answers.

He said “Be Still and know”. How often do we ask others for the answers to our questions? When we still ourselves, our answers will come to us. Just become quiet, still yourself. Ask your question and wait for the answer. Knock on the door of opportunity and behold it is opened for you. Seek and you will definitely discover that which you are looking for.

There is an art in being still, to just sit! Like any other form of course material, you are required to study it. It may come very quickly for you; with little to no effort on your part. Or it may take lots of practice before you can fully appreciate the benefits of it. When you have truly mastered this art form, you will treasure the rewards it will bring you.

This connection to your inner self is Spirit! Glorious Holy Spirit! Inside your inner sanctuary dwells a wellspring of knowledge and knowing. You are only required to connect to and with it. Each person is gifted with this. Each person has their own answers.

Today I practice The Art of Being Still. I connect with The One Source and receive my answers!


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 20th

This life of mine is Priceless! I am excited about this new day. There is a miracle waiting for me to discover today. I am eager of its arrival. I guard the treasure of this new, never before experienced DAY! IT IS PRICELESS!

Thanks God/Goddess for granting me another day to fully participate and engage in. I will surely use this day to the fullest. I will express Joy and Peace to myself. I Am pleased and proud of the person I have become. I welcome each lesson learned along the way for they have added to me becoming the wonderful person I am today.

My life is Priceless, a unique blend of blessings, lessons, experiences and situations. Many conditions have appeared along my path and I am grateful for each one. I have been stretched to become a better and bigger person. I am thankful for the multitude of individuals who have agreed to serve as either a teacher or a student in my life.

My Priceless existence is all made possible by The All-Knowing Infinite Intelligence. I give my sincere Gratitude to The Source. For I know that I do not control my life, my life is sustained by The Most High. My appreciation is demonstrated by loving myself more and more each day. I honor who I am. I treasure my life, it is a gift!

Being born into my family of origin; Being loved by many; Learning life lessons each priceless and come completely clothed in Grace and Mercy. Oh Thanks God/Goddess for the many displays of YOUR LOVE! These experiences have come to bless me. I thank You for each as they have unfolded.

Yes I know my life is Priceless!!! I Am a unique, unrepeatable expression of God/Goddess. I Am Priceless! I accept and declare all is good and very good.

Yes absolutely PRICELESS!!!


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 19th

We are each a King or Queen. I honor your presence. I treasure your gift!

I hold myself in the position of high honor. I am my best daily. I show up as God/Goddess would determine my steps. In my showing up in various situations I bring forth my awesome light to brighten the path of this journey of life. I remember I am here for a reason. I show unconditional love to all around me. I demonstrate true acceptance by remaining in an attitude of royalty.

It is my extreme pleasure to treat all those around me with dignity and respect. I know I hold the key to someone’s happiness today. I greet each person with a welcoming smile. I understand that my gentle actions may be the only ones received by the stranger I meet today. Therefore I do so willingly and graciously. I know they have appeared on my path for a reason. I accept my responsibility is to be as kind and loving to them as possible.

Yes, I am a King or Queen. In this majestic role I am held to a higher calling of creating. I create Peace. I create Joy. I create Unconditional Love. I create Harmony. I can and do bequeath a thing and it is done. I have the right to touch all with my crown of happiness and well being.

I allow the awesome Power and Presence of the Most High God/Goddess to radiate from me. I serve as a beacon of Hope and Restoration. I am a gentle giant displaying huge amounts of Joyful Gratitude to all human life. In my going out and returning I am mindful of all of nature. I contribute to the upkeep, maintenance and beauty by adding a note of Thanks for its existence. I appreciate every detail I observe today. In my appreciation I am reminded of my connection, as this is all One Life. There is no separation.

I acknowledge and give thanks for my royal position in the Kingdom! It is God/Goddess’s will that I fully participate. Thanks God/Goddess for I Am Royalty, made in Your Image.


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 18th

At your inception God/Goddess breathed the gift of life into you. You were immediately filled with all the knowledge you needed to live a productive and joyous life. God/Goddess poured All Wisdom, Love, Compassion and Joy into the very fiber of your being. At your birth you were pure.

As we grow our teachers become many. Countless are there to teach us how to behave in this society. Sometimes the fears of others are passed on to us, usually out of love for us. We are told what is and is not acceptable behavior. We are constantly fed thoughts that tell us we are wrong and must act a certain way to be okay. Then we go to school and we receive additional messages regarding our self worth. The whole process is neither good nor bad, it just is or has been.  Along the way, we lose our sense of self and begin looking for outside influences to tell us we are okay. We attend colleges and universities. We search out all the self empowerment and self improvement programs that are available. We have accepted this false notion that something in us needs to be corrected and someone else is authorized and better equipped to tell us how to do it.

When God/Goddess speaks to us, it is our own voice that we hear. God/Goddess lives in our heart and so no doubt when God/Goddess speaks it is through our very soul that the communication occurs. We hear our own voice, but it sounds so rational and wise. The voice is clear and audible. But then again we have been told that if we talk to ourselves we are crazy. Yet who knows YOUR story better than you? Who can feel exactly what you feel about any given situation?

All of your answers are already given to you. You DO know the right thing to do for yourself. You are in direct communication with God/Goddess at all times. It is your responsibility to connect and get your answers, to ask and receive from the storehouse of the Almighty! God/Goddess wants to talk directly with you. There is never a need for an interpreter or a go between. You got the direct link! God/Goddess speaks to us when we are ready to listen.  Thanks God/Goddess. So Be It!


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 17th

Do you have any habits or thoughts you do not know their origin? For instance, Friday the 13th. Many people have come to associate Friday the 13th as being an unlucky day and dread moving about their business because they feel they will be cursed that day. I was once told that the number 13 is actually a lucky number because it represents Jesus and His Twelve Disciples. I thought that was a great way to look at something that I had believed to have some mysterious power in it. As I shared this with a friend, another person felt obliged to share the truth of why we celebrate Friday the 13th as an unlucky day. I got so tickled because at that very moment I thought how many other things we accept without knowing the origin.

Does your family celebrate the New Year by eating certain foods because it is meant to bring you luck all year long?  Are there ailments suffered by your family that you think are hereditary or gentic and you are likely to get it because so many others have had it? Could it be the same eating habits are passed down generation to generation and the correlation between the unhealthy eating habits and the disease are never discussed. Do you know you can change the history of your family problems simply by eating more nutritious foods?

Do you dress a certain way because ‘the Designers’ have said this is the current look, even if it does not flatter your shape? Do you listen to music just because everyone else is listening or do you truly like it? What habits and thoughts have been inbred in you and you know not from whence it came? I just think it is rather funny, like this story I heard from someone.

A friend visited for dinner and observed the host cutting the end off the meat. When asked why she did that she said it was a family recipe from her Grandmother. The inquisitive guest wondered if they could talk with Grandma about this recipe. When Grandma was asked what secret was in the cutting of the end of meat; more flavor, more tender, juicier, she was bewildered. She replied “The only reason I cut the ends off the meat was because my pan was too small to hold it!” And this had become a family tradition! Just food for thought.


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 16th

I thank you for showing up daily to read these IN-spirational messages. I thank you for sharing these words with others. I thank you for allowing me to offer words of encouragement and a positive approach to life and living.

Who is showing up for you in your life? Are you being fed from the never-ending cup of God/Goddess? Do you drink from this fountain of eternal youth often? God/Goddess is always available to and for you, 24/7/365. That means all the time, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week and three hundred and sixty five days a year. That is always. There is not a second of time where God/Goddess is unavailable to you. All you need to do is to call on The Source.

Have you undertaken a new project and all the right people are beginning to show up? It is not magic, rather it is the Universe, The Holy Spirit giving you precisely what you require to accomplish what you have identified as your desire.

Do not block the blessings as they appear. Is that person you have been dreaming of and wishing for come into your life? But now that they have appeared you think you need to lose weight or change the color of your hair or _____? No, now is your time. Just accept the gift. You are now ready to fully appreciate the gift. You have completed the work on you for all good things to manifest for you.

Have you been called upon for that special job or position? Yet you are thinking there is something more for you to do before it happens. Are you asking why now? I still have such and such to do first. The preliminary work is completed, trust the process. Even if it appears in what you might identify as an untimely manner do not miss your blessing! You are ready! Accept you have done all the work correctly in preparing for this opportunity!

Go ahead and celebrate your blessings. Accept your blessings with gratitude and thanksgiving. Thank God/Goddess for the sheer Mercy and Grace. Thanks God/Goddess. 


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 15th

Several years ago I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. It is an intestinal disorder that can cause severe pain. If untreated it is said to cause death. This disease is detectable through a colonoscopy. When I received the diagnosis my doctor told me she was unfamiliar with the disease, the diagnosis was received from several experts in the field. If I wanted to know more information she gave me a pamphlet and suggested I do my own research. Then she prescribed some medicine for me to take. Well I took the medicine yet became very sick by taking them. On a subsequent visit I told her and she said that perhaps I needed to increase my dosage. I left her office shaking my head and asking, which one of us is the crazy one, me or her? Why would any doctor increase the dosage of medicine that made the patient sick?

I was blessed to have been introduced to a Naturopath Dr. H. H. Worrell in Ft.Worth by my brother William. I was examined and advised I did have parasites in my system along with a few other concerns. I was given a regime which included enzymes and regular colon cleanses. I soon felt much better. But I had to return to the original doctor for my annual exam that I had missed for two years. Upon learning that I had stopped taking the medicine I was told I had to take another colonoscopy. That was fine because I was determined to not take that medicine. Well of course my situation had worsened and I was referred to a specialist who said I needed to begin injections of steroids directly into my abdomen or have surgery or I would be dead in 2 years, (1999). I declined both and headed back to Texas to see Dr. Worrell.

Dr. Worrell is so wonderful. He made me repeat several times exactly what the two doctors said to me. I became frustrated and asked him what did he miss in my explanation? He announced, “Sandy you are the healthiest person I have had in my office all year long. You even cured some ailments that most people suffer with all their life.” Then he said, “The only thing you are currently suffering with is STINKING THINKING!” I felt better immediately. I cured my stinking thinking on the spot!!!

What have you allowed professionals or well wishers to tell you that you have believed and it caused severe or even traumatic experiences for you?  As Dr. Worrell would say, ‘STOP THE STINKING THINKING and you will be cured!”

It is not restricted to medical opinions. Along your journey have someone been blatant enough to tell you how dumb you are? How much or how little you would achieve in your life? How ugly you are? How big or little you are? Do not allow someone’s opinion rule your life.

Ps…I no longer have any experiences of Crohn’s disease! Completely reversed!! I take control of my health by proper nutrition and regular cleanses.


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 14th

The Holy Bible describes the beginning of creation by declaring, God Said let there be light and there was light. And it goes on to describe each occurrence as being created by the act of God Said and it was done!

We are made in the image and after the likeness of God/Goddess. And so does that mean we have the same power in our words as God/Goddess? As humans, we are the highest form of creation. And if we have been created with the power of the spoken word should we not be very mindful of what we choose to let part our lips?

I choose to eliminate all negative words from my vocabulary. I once said I would love to see a religious group where only positive words were spoken the entire time people were present. I was told that such a place could not exist because people needed to know that there were consequences to pay for wrongful choices. That did not stop me from desiring such a place. I thought to myself and said out loud, ‘Well then perhaps it’s for me to do.’ I see it in full expression. Just imagine worshipping at a place where all that is said is life affirming. I still see the vision. I believe it can be done. We have enough of other sources that are more than willing to feed us with negative self talk and beliefs.

I stand firm in the power of the spoken word. I hold the vision of change. I see Spirituality as a means to a better and brighter life. Spirituality that lifts and encourages all that is good. I believe God/Goddess would have said “Let there be Places of Worship Where MY Light is clearly shone for all to see!!! Let there be only UP lifting words spoken from the pulpits. Tell My Children they are good and very good!”

God/Goddess said, ‘Let there be PEACE everywhere for all are my children!’ And there was Peace everywhere celebrating all of God/Goddess’s children!


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 13th

Miracles are everywhere I am. I am a miracle, formed from a microscopic organism. I have grown into a fully functioning adult human. My parents did directly affect my growth, and my life is a miracle. I am one of God/Goddess’s Masterpieces. All around me are miracles unfolding, from morning to night miracles never cease to happen. I appreciate the abundance of miracles which add to my life.

I observe miracles all around me and I remain thankful for their presence. I am constantly reminded that miracles are spontaneous movements of life. All things are formed through the force of creation.  Miracles cannot be explained or defined. Miracles are random acts of The Creator which reminds us there is a Power greater than ourselves that exists in the Universe. This Creative Energy simply is and cannot be limited to human interpretation or understanding. Miracles are God/Goddess’s handiwork.

God/Goddess is the manufacturer of Miracles, so how then do we attempt to explain them. It’s like the evolvement of a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly. To me that is indeed a miracle. Or how does the seasons know exactly when to cooperate in harmony with each other to change and offer us with wondrous colors. Or how does an unborn human know how to develop into a fully developed human baby that can survive outside its mother’s womb? To me these are all wonders which cannot be limited to the Seven Wonders of the World. These are all miracles.

I look at each part of nature and I call it a miracle. I take absolutely nothing for granted. It is God/Goddess’s craftsmanship that has caused these things to be, exactly as they are. I witness with careful vision all miracles in life itself.

Yes Miracles are Everywhere.


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

May 12th

God/Goddess is all there is. God/Goddess is goodness. God/Goddess is Mercy and Grace. God/Goddess is Unconditional Love and Complete Acceptance. God/Goddess is Joy and Peace. God/Goddess is Harmony and Compassion. God/goddess is Justice. God/Goddess is……

God/Goddess is The Creator; The Master Builder; The Genius Craftsman; The Infinite Intelligence; Omnipotent Presence; Omniscient Power; The All-Knowing, All-Wise Source; The Creative Originator of everything.

God/Goddess is the source and the supply. God/Goddess is the giver of all good things. God/Goddess is the Holy Spirit that never dies. God/Goddess is the Everlasting Life. God/Goddess is the Beginning and the End. God/Goddess is…..

God/Goddess heals and harmonizes; restores and replenishes; comforts and cradles our concerns; mother and father; sister and brother; husband and wife; sweet and soothing; a comforter; God/Goddess is…..

God/Goddess breathes life into every living thing! God/Goddess is The Originator, The One Source, The Most High, The Merciful Redeemer, The Supreme Super Natural, The Way Shower.

God/Goddess is…..

God/Goddess sustains us in every moment of every day. God/Goddess is….

God/Goddess is who I pray and worship to. God/Goddess is the answer to my questions.

God/Goddess is…

God/Goddess is my all and all! God/Goddess is and I Am Thankful! God/Goddess is and therefore I Am.  God/Goddess is….