© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

 February 24th

Today, think on and repeat these seven words as often as you possibly can.










You will begin to notice a shift occurring. You will feel lighter.

Please define these words for yourself. I am providing my definitions to help you get started.

Life – a free gift from God

Light – illumination

Love – unconditional

Wisdom –applied knowledge

Joy – heart felt happiness

Peace – calmness

Truth – God is……

Surrender all concerns today and think on these words.

Submit yourself to their Upliftment and encouragement.

SMILE, and the whole world smiles with you.

Be empowered with positivity.



© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

 February 21st

Today I Am centered and anchored in the Love of God, The Creator, The Most High. Today I celebrate my connection to The Source of all life. Today I choose to be centered and anchored.

I begin with prayer and meditation. I close out the very active world around me. I still myself in Peace and Calm. I am drenched in Love and Truth. I Am centered and anchored.

I joyously give a hearty shout out to the Universe telling of my Gratitude for my mere existence. I allow the words of Thanksgiving to flow freely from my mouth. I willingly open up my mouth to proclaim that it is indeed, ALL GOOD ALL THE TIME in my affairs. I desire for all those around me to feel my contagious Joy! I am excited about living.

I remain in an attitude of gratitude throughout the entire day and into the evening. I look for ways to demonstrate my Love, my Joy and my Peace. I want to touch as many as possible with Positive Uplifting, Encouraging thoughts and words today. I want to spread an epidemic of Love, Happiness, Peace and Unity. I choose to do this for my neighbors, my co-workers, strangers, my friends, my family and my loved ones. I want to be responsible for the quickest spreading infectious influence on the planet.

I Am Centered and Anchored this day. I freely share. I freely give. I freely Love without condition or restriction. I Am Centered and Anchored today in God’s Abiding Grace and Mercy. I claim it as my rightful inheritance.

I give Thanks.

I am Thankful.

I Am Centered and Anchored.




As I walk daily with God,

There is only one set of footprints.

God and I are One.

God directs my path and my steps.

God and I are One.

I listen carefully as God whispers to my Spirit.

God and I are One.

God breathes the breath of life through my being and I am happy.

God and I are One.

God alone is sufficient.

God and I are One.

God’s Grace sustains me, daily.

God and I are One.

Oh, I give Thanks for this Indwelling Presence.


God and I are One.


May 29th


To stand strong in Spirit is to truly know Spirit. Spirit is available to each one of us. We can connect with the awesome power of The Most High Holy Spirit when we choose to do so.


I stand strong in Spirit knowing Whose I am, a child of God. I stand on the firm foundation of Spiritual Truth. This foundation is unshakable. I take time daily to communicate with my inner Spirit. This communication is incredible and sends wondrous energy throughout my body. I am energized by this communication. I feel renewed when I connect. It is awesome to know Spirit is always available to me. All I need to do is to call upon the Power and it is mine!


I stand in Spirit by allowing myself to freely express the goodness that is within me. I share with others from my storehouse of plenty. I have plenty of love and joy. I have plenty of words of support and encouragement. I have plenty of positive gestures, a smile, or a nod of approval. I express God in all of my interactions with others.


I stand strong in Spirit by being good to myself. I treat myself as I would have others treat me. I nourish my inner Spirit by being honest with myself at all times. I love me unconditionally! I forgive myself whenever it is required. I talk loving words to myself. I wrap the warmth of God around me and walk tall.


Yes today I stand strong in Spirit. Only good comes to me this day. I rejoice in my constant connection with Spirit.


I give Thanks!


May 28th


You are alive and well, means you are worthy! You are a breathing soul, means that you are worthy. The precious blood that circulates through your body, means you are worthy! By simply BE-ing you are worthy!!!


I declare and accept my worthiness right now! I know that my life has meaning, value and worth. I am a deserving human, deserving of all honor, respect and dignity. I choose to not give or compromise myself in any situation. I cherish my self-worth.


I know I Am Worthy because I Am a God-child. I Am heir to the Kingdom of The Creator. My worth has nothing to do with the kind of work I perform or the material possessions I own. My Worth is freely given to me through my life and existence.


I accept I Am worthy through God’s Grace and Mercy! I acknowledge all others with this same attribute of Worthiness. We are each the same.


It is my job to recognize the God-presence in every person I encounter. I choose to honor their presence and accept they are worthy souls on this journey of life with me. My life is enriched by the multitudes. My circle of friends is filled with worthy folks. My family represents all worthy individuals. The stranger on the street is a worthy child of God. The meek, sick and shut-in are all worthy folks. The disabled, handicap and challenged are all worthy.


In memory of those that have departed this physical plane, I honor your valued contributions to my existence. I know you are forever a worthy element of this vast Universe.


I add value by accepting and expressing my worthiness. I seek and see worthy folks all around me, everyplace I go. We are all the same.


May 27th


The small stuff is the situations that appear in your life as opportunities for you to grow and expand. Small stuff can be challenges often seen as difficulties. Small stuff is everything that cannot and will not add value to your life. The small stuff is anything that you cannot control. The small stuff is just that, small stuff. The small stuff can be irritating and bothersome. The small stuff is annoying and unimportant.


I choose to use my energy and time wisely by focusing on the things that really matter to me. My life is important to me. What I do with my life is important to me. How I can serve others is important. What I say and do is important. How I treat others is important. I choose to invest my time and energy in those things I have decided are important to me.


The BIG stuff is Life! The BIG stuff is family and friends. The BIG stuff is Joy and Peace. The BIG stuff is serving others. The BIG stuff is Absolute, Unconditional Love, pure and simple.


I live my life understanding that my actions may affect others. My actions can help or hinder, assist or detract, add or subtract. I choose for my actions to reflect the BIG stuff of life and not the small. I choose to add to all situations with positive words and deeds.


God is my BIG stuff! BIG enough to handle all situations in any kind of condition. Huge, Humongous that’s my GOD. With God there is no need to concern myself with the small stuff. What relief to know I can and do call on The Most High to handle my small stuff. I concentrate on the BIG stuff!


May 23rd


By definition, the heart is the central, vital or main part; core; the center.

Consider this definition: at heart – in one’s innermost nature, or heartfelt – sincere, genuine.


What are you allowing to reside in your core? What emotions are controlling your vital part? What state is your innermost nature in?


Today I consciously choose to flex the muscles of my Heart with acceptance and unconditional love. I exercise with God and follow the routine of displaying harmony and justice to all. I know that the more I use and exercise this heart muscle the greater and stronger it becomes. I am building this muscle into the awesome power it is. As I loosen the tightness of negative emotions and unforgiveness my heart is freed and feels joyous. The muscle relaxes and operates in sheer bliss, knowing it has absolutely nothing to fear. Love conquers all and fills every space of my heart.


I offer heartfelt appreciation for all that has been given to me through God. I sing praises to The Most High. The Creator is my Source. My heart sings songs of gratitude and thanksgiving.


God is my center, thus is and in my heart at all times. I choose to demonstrate love in all interactions. Love is my only choice when I consider God is IN my heart expressing through me at all times.


My heart is filled to overflowing with God’s Grace and Mercy. I satisfy myself first. Then, I pour from my overflowing cup to others. I provide a wonderful beverage in their time of thirst. I offer a drink from my cup because I know that my cup is continuously being refilled by The Master. My cup is always overflowing.


Thanks God for filling me up! Thanks God for my wonderful Heart. I keep it in excellent condition by daily exercising it with complete love for myself and others. Thanks God. Thanks God. Thanks God.


May 21st


As I sat and listened intently to Sri Charles of Shanti Villa Holistic Healing Institute, I clearly heard his message of being still. As questions were being posed to him by the participants, his response to solving their seeming challenge was, Just Sit! What a powerful lesson he was giving to all of us.


Our answers are each imbedded in the core of who we are. We need not look to anyone else for the answer. This was coming from an esteemed Spiritual leader. Sri Charles did not desire people to look to him for their answers. He knows the authenticity of God-Power working in each person’s life. And so he kept directing the person back to their own Spirit for their answers.


He said “Be Still and know”. How often do we ask others for the answers to our questions? When we still ourselves, our answers will come to us. Just become quiet, still yourself. Ask your question and wait for the answer. Knock on the door of opportunity and behold it is opened for you. Seek and you will definitely discover that which you are looking for.


There is an art in being still, to just sit! Like any other form of course material, you are required to study it. It may come very quickly for you; with little to no effort on your part. Or it may take lots of practice before you can fully appreciate the benefits of it. When you have truly mastered this art form, you will treasure the rewards it will bring you.


This connection to your inner self is Spirit! Glorious Holy Spirit! Inside your inner sanctuary dwells a wellspring of knowledge and knowing. You are only required to connect to and with it. Each person is gifted with this. Each person has their own answers.


Today I practice The Art of Being Still. I connect with The One Source and receive my answers!


May 19th


We are each a King or Queen. I honor your presence. I treasure your gift!


I hold myself in the position of high honor. I am my best daily. I show up as God would determine my steps. In my showing up in various situations I bring forth my awesome light to brighten the path of this journey of life. I remember I am here for a reason. I show unconditional love to all around me. I demonstrate true acceptance by remaining in an attitude of royalty.


It is my extreme pleasure to treat all those around me with dignity and respect. I know I hold the key to someone’s happiness today. I greet each person with a welcoming smile. I understand that my gentle actions may be the only ones received by the stranger I meet today. Therefore I do so willingly and graciously. I know they have appeared on my path for a reason. I accept my responsibility is to be as kind and loving to them as possible.


Yes, I am a King or Queen. In this majestic role I am held to a higher calling of creating. I create Peace. I create Joy. I create Unconditional Love. I create Harmony. I can and do bequeath a thing and it is done. I have the right to touch all with my crown of happiness and well being.


I allow the awesome Power and Presence of the Most High God to radiate from me. I serve as a beacon of Hope and Restoration. I am a gentle giant displaying huge amounts of Joyful Gratitude to all human life. In my going out and returning I am mindful of all of nature. I contribute to the upkeep, maintenance and beauty by adding a note of Thanks for its existence. I appreciate every detail I observe today. In my appreciation I am reminded of my connection, as this is all One Life. There is no separation.


I acknowledge and give thanks for my royal position in the Kingdom! It is God’s will that I fully participate. Thanks God for I Am Royalty, made in Your Image.