Daily IN-spiration * * * July 24th


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries



July 24th


The University Of Life, is offering a new field of study, Love You. As with any major you will consider, here are answers to some questions you may have. What are the course requirements? What are the prerequisites? What is the class description? Who are the instructors? What are the class days and hours? How long does it take to complete the field of study?

In this Major, you will explore and uncover all the nuisances that have appeared on your life journey. This is a self paced course of study, for no two students have every finished at exactly the same time.

The prerequisites are a willingness to be completely open and truthful about the experiences that have shown up for you. You must fully describe them in exact detail as you recall them. You must possess willfulness in fully participating in each assignment given.

In this class, you will demonstrate absolute abandon to what others think or how they would respond to your documentation. This class is solely about you! You will not compete nor compare yourself with others. You will not entertain the thought of others being better or smarter than you.

The Instructors are the animals, the plants, the trees, the sun and the stars. The Instructors include small children and elders; they will also appear as Ancestors and Ascended Masters. The Instructors are the Best in the Field and have been carefully selected by God just for you.

As this is a self paced course you will have the opportunity to set your own days and hours. You will be documenting your progress through each assignment and grading your own work. At each step, you will be asked to answer only one question – If the memory brought up negative emotions, did you replace it with Unconditional Love? When you can successfully answer this with an affirmative YES! then you are promoted to the next level. Graduation occurs when all memories have been exposed and explored and the final grade is your ability to have answered – YES, it is all Love in me.