Daily IN-spiration * * * July 29th

          FREE STUFF

            © Sandy Rodgers Ministries



July 29th


Do you ever get those emails promising you tons of free stuff only to find it requires you to answer a ton of questions? I find it hilarious and usually do not finish and therefore I never claim my free stuff.


But it made me think seriously about real Free Stuff! And my list got longer the more I thought about it. So here is my partial list:


  1. Peace of Mind – this is the best free gift that I can give myself. It does not cost anything except my desire to have it. When my attention is focused on Peace then that is exactly what I receive. Even while I was in the midst of some people who appeared determined to be dramatic and in a bad mood around me, I did not attempt to change them or remove myself from their presence. But in the midst of the drama I was smiling and felt this incredible Peace in me. It seemed the more I smiled the more dramatic they became. My smile was huge by the time this encounter was over!!!
  2. Harmony of Heart – I choose to be harmonious. I choose for my heart to be Joyous and happy. My heart is my lifeline and I protect it at all costs. I accept only harmony as my motivating force. I move in harmony with all life forms around me. There are a few cats that now roam my property. They just lounge on the lawn or in the drive way. I had never noticed them before now. But they are always around. I enjoy watching them stroll, never in a hurry. So they help me to slow down and relax. The cats are teaching me harmony at a mush deeper level.
  3. MY LIFE – This is the biggee! I say this as often as I can to remind myself and others of this awesome and incredible free gift of LIFE! Just think about it, what have you done to earn an extra day of living? What deeds do you think are required of you to live a longer life? I prefer to truly, truly appreciate the time that I am given and to live it to the fullest. My time on this planet earth may end today or tomorrow and one thing I know for sure, I have not wasted any of my life in regrets, sorrows or not exploring my potential and purpose. It keeps changing and so do I.