Daily IN-spiration * * * July 6th


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries


July 6th


What if you had 24/7 access to God? What would you do with this communication? What if each word you spoke was communication with The Source of all life? What if you truly can talk with Infinite Intelligence every second of every minute of every hour of every day? What if….?


I choose to believe I have the power to communicate with The Most High at any given time. It is my right to have this access. I am never separated from this Presence, it lives in me at all times. Therefore I call upon Wisdom whenever I need it. I call upon Strength when I feel myself falling. I seek Faith by calling it into my existence when I have relied upon the physical as evidence of possibilities. I summon the gift of Understanding when situations are unclear and appear confusing. I call upon JOY to lift me up higher and higher! I trust in the miraculous workings of the Holy Spirit!


I choose to accept my inheritance from the abundance supply of the Universe! I actively call upon the power of The Awesome Spirit to activate Itself with me. It is alive as I am alive. I welcome this Spirit of Life as my guide and wayshower on this journey.


I no longer ask the question, what if, for I know the answer. The answer is, Yes I can and do have access to The Creator at all times. I use this Power wisely. I choose  my words carefully for I recognize they will not return to me void. I use words of love and forgiveness. I use words that uplift and encourage. I use words to demonstrate Peace and Harmony. I use the gift of the spoken word wisely!


I allow my Light to shine before all the world to see and benefit from my gifts. I realize I have gifts to share and do so willingly. My gift of laughter lifts another out of doom and gloom. My gift of a smile lets another know I care about them. My gift of listening comforts a person who just needs to release through talking over a major issue in their life.


No more what ifs for me. Now I know with clarity that I posses the key to open communication with my Creator and I use it 24/7! Thanks God.