Daily IN-spiration * * * July 7th


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries


July 7th


An onion has layers on it that must be peeled away before you can use it. We sometimes are like onions, we need to peel off layers before we get to the authentic person. We have Layers of disappointments, hurts, pains and unmet expectations; Layers of feeling unloved and unlovable; Layers of false feelings of unworthiness; Layers of sadness and confusion; and just lots of layers and layers of junk and stuff.


Today I begin peeling off and throwing away the layers I have allowed to build around me and cover the authentic me. The authentic me is Whole, Complete, Love, Capable, Worthy, Joyous, Wonderful! The authentic me seeks full expression as a Child of the Most High Energy, choosing to vibrate at an awesome level of Consciousness. I celebrate my life in totality!


The onion can cause tears to form in your eyes as you peel away the layers. These tears can be those of sorrow or joy. I choose to let them be ones of joy. Sorrow is no longer a part of my consciousness. Today I accept the many things that have come to teach me has indeed benefited me in a very powerful way. The situations have appeared to make me the person I am this day, a person fully capable of expressing the best me. I have learned through all the experiences. I give Thanks for their appearance in my life. During the experience I may have been too consumed with the process to completely understand the lesson. Yet today I look back with joy and wisdom, fully understanding their purpose for showing up, just for me to learn a lesson!


As I get to the nectar of the awesome flavor of the onion it adds fullness to my life. It adds a special blend to the recipe of my life. I am thankful for the savoring process, of allowing it to fully integrate into the completeness of the magnificent person this recipe has produced….ME!


I value the lesson of peeling an onion! I apply it to my life and weep tears of joy and gratitude. I gladly peel away and discord for good, the layers of stuff that has prevented me from being my authentic self.