Daily IN-spiration * * * July 11th


©Sandy Rodgers Ministries


July 11th


The other day I attempted to get to my destination by looking in the rear view mirror! Gotcha! This is just a simple illustration of how we live our lives.


Yesterday, last week, last year and the years before that are gone forever. We can never re-live those moments. Although we can become stuck in the emotions of things that have passed and allow them to dictate how we move about in the present.


Accept the past is over and move forward. This does not imply that happy memories should be abandoned. They are to be welcomed and held tenderly in your heart and soul. What we are speaking of here is situations that keep you stuck. Like relationships that you have labeled as being bad and caused you pain and suffering. These occurred and are now over, when you say they are over. Understand the situation from a different perspective, think of everything that was involved and acknowledge that it happened the way it did because of your consciousness. When we know better we do better and so do others. Let them go now and forever from that place of victimhood.


I am moving forward fully equipped with the many lessons of yesterday. I forgive myself and any others for anything I have labeled as bad or unjust. Justice comes to me when I release the situation and the outcome. Justice comes to me as I forgive completely. Justice is mine for the taking, the taking on of a new attitude and disposition.


I am moving forward with my life, void of any unpleasant memories. I am moving forward with my life with great expectations and lots of love and forgiveness. Forgiving myself first for ever thinking I needed to hold on to something that was so painful to remember. I am now freed from the past and move joyously forward with ease and confidence of a brighter today and tomorrow!


What direction are you going?