Daily IN-spiration * * * July 15th


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries


July 15th


To think you did absolutely nothing to earn this day, it is purely a gift to you from God.


What will you do with this gift? Will you spread Peace, Joy, Love, Harmony, and Justice to everyone you encounter today? Will you live as though this may be your last day of life? Will you show Appreciation and Gratitude for this gift? What will you do and how will you use this day?


I will live this day to the fullest. I will shower others with complete acceptance and acknowledgement. I will show concern for the less fortunate and the disadvantaged. I give a hand up to those who may be experiencing discomfort in their lives. I give all that I have spiritually to those around me. In this attitude my words and actions are encouraging and supportive. My life reflects my knowingness of the Goodness and Oneness of God. I extend Grace and Mercy to all. I demonstrate Love at its highest level which is unconditional.


A new day has been given to me. I did not nor could I have worked hard enough to gain this day. It is by virtue of The Supreme Spirit that I am able to participate in this day of life and living.


I give thanks to The Most High. I bow in respect and honor to DAO. I acknowledge Allah as the sustainer of my life. I submit to the teachings of Buddha. I pay tribute to the Ascended Masters and to all Ancestors. I am a grateful steward of life this day.


The humans on my path this day will know I honor and treasure them for just showing up along with me. God is expressed through each person I exchange a word or a smile with this day.


This new day is a welcomed and treasured gift. I joyously explore this day with the wonder of a small child, seeing the beauty in everything and I am amazed by its presence.