Daily IN-spiration * * * July 19th


© Sandy Rodgers Ministries


July 19th


Our friends are our presents from God. They are our earthly Angels. They have come to protect and guide us through life. They have come to offer us unconditional love and acceptance, just as we are.


I share the wonder of friendship with as many as I can. Friends are like twinkling stars on a lonely night, adding light to the darkness of the night.

Some serve as the Moon or the Galaxy of the skies. They know when to appear for us. They can sense danger or trouble without us having to tell them about the situation. They just sense we need them and they show up ready to serve us in our every need.


Friends are the appetizer to a great meal. Friends feed us with pure love. They satisfy our every hunger for good wholesome fun and nourishment. Friends are like a fattening desert, tasty and just a little on the wild side.


Friends are like a cool drink on a hot summer day; refreshing our thirst with kindness and generosity; filling our bodies up with necessary liquids. Friends just know what and when to do what they do. Words are hardly ever needed because they can feel you, even at a distance.


I treasure friendships and friends. My friends are a reflection of who I am. My friends are of varying ages and ethnic backgrounds. My friends encompass the globe of life. Some I have know for a lifetime while others I am just beginning to share with. Either way they have chosen to show up in my life, it always feel good to reconnect with them. Has your heart stopped when you see a friend who has been absent from your life for a long time?  Seeing them again is like a brisk breath of fresh air. All I want to do is embrace them with all the love I have for them.


Friends are JOY!! Friends are SPECIAL!! Friends are God’s GIFTS!!!